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Another Paddy Power classic as they taunt distraught Ibrox fans

Paddy Power have once again come up with a brilliant tribute to the fan outrage that has been pouring out of Ibrox fans over the weekend.

There is little doubt that the Dublin based bookie takes special delight in these video compilations with Celtic fans the target market. By Internet Bampots for Internet Bampots.

Without doubt Phil Clement is well down the well trodden path used by Pedro Caixinha and Micky Beale, over the last few months the media conferences have been getting more and more bizarre.

The whole cycle is of course driven by the desperation of supporters facing upto Celtic’s 12th title in 13 seasons with their own solitary success completed behind closed doors with only the trashing of George Square for fans to participate in

Included in the compilation is the Council Granny racing out into the street to announce that we’re back, happily they are certainly back after a bizarre spell in February and March when Celtic slipped to second place in the SPFL Premiership table.

Over 3 minutes and 45 seconds the Paddy Power team manage to cram in a fantastic amount of content, there is no lack of choice but summarising it all requires decisive editing.

There is a good mix between real life footage and social media content with Kenny Miller’s meltdown on Sky Sports given prominence.

John Lundstram had Miller as his defence, PP didn’t miss with the Scary Scouser, recognising his contribution to a title winning performance.

Captain Disappointed seems to have escaped scrutiny but the online bears are certainly gunning for the World’s Highest Scoring Defender with little respect shown for the Hall of Famer.

The end of the compilation features Clement’s joyous lap of honour after earning a 3-3 draw at home to Celtic last month, if anything summed up the desperation of the Tribute Act it was the actions of their manager that day as the title remained in Celtic’s control. There is also an honourable mention for Clement’s desperate claim that at half-time the expected XG was almost similar, the actions of a very desperate man.

It wouldn’t have happened under Mister Struth or Sir Walter- but they did manage a different club.

CLICK HERE for two faced Keevins makes remarkable Rodgers u-turn

CLICK HERE for Santa Ponsa celebrates Celtic’s victory in the Glasgow Derby.

CLICK HERE for SPFL Premiership table.


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