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Beale has lost every big game so far- Bears turn on last week’s Messiah

After signing Jose Cifuentes from Los Angeles FC at the end of last week Mister Beale was being celebrated for the Greatest Transfer Window ever.

Last night Micky Beale was being toasted but not in a way that he’d appreciate.

With the wise words flowing to the obliging messengers last season the former QPR boss effectively had a free hit despite suffering three crushing defeats to Celtic over the course of nine weeks.

The Viaplay Cup Final was lost at Hampden at the end of February but promises to play Nico Raskin and Todd Cantwell next time while ditching Glen Kamara kept the Gullible onside, not that they had any other option with positivity flowing from every media outlet.

Next time, James Tavernier promised.

The countdown was on, the SPFL gap stayed at nine points, Beale had a 100% SPFL record when he arrived at Celtic Park but a 3-2 defeat left the champions with one hand on the title as Tav promised next time with the Scottish Cup semi final three weeks away.

John Souttar, Ben Davies and Allan McGregor were the culprits for that defeat, amazingly in the Scottish Cup semi-final at Hampden the entire defence was at fault as Daizen Maeda slung in a cross, Jota danced past Tavpen and nodded into the net past the static Greegsy.

Before the semi-final defeat Beale’s side had lost 2-0 away to Aberdeen. The dream team midfield partnership of Raskin and Cantwell had lost three games in a month but redemption was around the corner as Beale’s side cruised to the Dead Rubber trophy, unbeaten in May as Celtic prepared for a world record eighth treble.


The 180 degree turnaround in public opinion among the Gullible & Deluded is incredible- and terrifying for Beale.

Until Saturday tea-time anyone offering a detached opinion, suggesting that the new players might take time to settle, that the defence was the same as last year was denounced as a Timposter and hunted out.

By full-time at Rugby Park it was open season on Everyone, Anyone.

The goal scoring records of the three strikers was suddenly being discussed. Sima, Dessers and Lammers were all relegated last season, Kieran Dowell couldn’t get in front of Kenny McLean for a game at Norwich, Jack Butland seems immune, so far from criticism.

As Gary McAllister’s former bibs and cones guy Beale is a little too close to many of the serial losers.

A leadership group that includes James Tavernier, Connor Goldson, Ryan Jack and John Lundstram sounds like a contradiction in terms but it was a good sound bite at the time.

Most bears were expecting to face Celtic on September 3 with nine points on the board and their Champions League travel arrangements all booked up.

If Beale slips up again this month he’ll rapidly be running out of lives even if he finks that he has all the answers to everyfing in football.

Wednesday’s match against Sevette is now more critical than ever- as is every match this month with Ibrox fans starting to doubt the quality of their summer signings while looking back fondly at the performances of Ryan Kent, Alfredo Morelos and Antonio Colak last season.

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