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Can’t be fixed- King offers ominous Ibrox warning

Dave King has admitted that the situation at Ibrox isn’t really fixable.

It is an incredible claim to make but one that has been virtually ignored by the excitement over Mister King taking over as Chairman and bringing in fresh investment from Saudi Arabia and the USA.

Since Day One in 2012 under Charles Green the club has been on the look out for a foreign Sugar Daddy but has had to fall back on a handful of wealthy bluenoses like King, Douglas Park and departing Chairman John Bennett.

The desperate chase to topple Celtic has taken its toll with Phil Clement the fourth manager since Lockdown, John Gilligan as Caretaker Chairman with no CEO since the departure of James Bisgrove at the end of May.

With opposing factions in the Blue Room and angry fans abusing James Tavernier after the latest Celtic defeat it seems that the club is just a defeat or two away from full on implosion.

The abusive attack on Captain Disappointed took place within sight of the statues of John Greig and Walter Smith, a former club chairman, with dignity appearing to be yet another casualty.

Overlooking those multiple issues the Scottish media prefers to present a good news story with the prospect of Mister King back in charge and feeding out soundbites taunting Celtic.

Discussing recent contact with Bennett The Sun reports King saying:

I was constantly saying to him, ‘John, just be careful because you’re not well and you’ve got to look after your health and your family as well’. The club is the club.

So I’m pretty sure he’s got it right because it does get to a point where the club’s current situation is really not fixable.

It’s not as if you can sit there and say, ‘Well, OK, I’m going to tough it out, there is a plan in place and there is a way forward’.

At this moment I don’t think there is a way forward. So it’s in John’s personal interest for him to leave now.

He has been incapacitated with his health, in terms of having the energy, having the health to do what’s got to be done. It was right that he steps down.

And on a personal basis I’m pleased for him and his family that he’s done that. I think it also protects his legacy at the club because I think his is a good one.

As St Mirren vice-Chairman Jim Gillespie demonstrated last week no credible candidate would take on the job of CEO.

Every area of the club appears to be broken yet the support has been whipped into a frenzy of anticipation that they are superior to Celtic.

If Celtic win the League Cup in December their trophy total will go past that of the self certified Most Successful Club In The World, if they win the SPFL title it will take them onto a total of 55 piling even more pressure on to whoever is in charge of the sinking ship at Ibrox.



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