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‘Complete double standards’ ‘Zero tolerance’ ‘play at Ibrox or forfeit the points’ Doncaster gets it tight over flexibility plea

Neil Doncaster has scored another own goal over his plea for flexibility over the self-inflicted problems at Ibrox.

Rather than generate sympathy for his favourite club the CEO of the SPFL has alerted fans of 11 clubs that more double standards are about to be applied with pressure put on clubs to switch fixtures.

To benefit the club that sank the Cinch sponsorship deal, the club that accused Dundee of a lack of professionalism, the club that Aberdeen are having to take to a tribunal to get a transfer fee for Connor Barron.

The club that went to war on Willie Collum while they were on a 74 match run of not having a penalty awarded against them in the SPFL.

The club that wanted to play on through Lockdown in season 21/22 when 10 other clubs voted to bring forward the winter break in the hope that they’d have fans back inside stadiums when the Lockdown was over.

Any other club would have been given a sympathetic hearing over delayed construction work but after 12 years of rabble rousing and intimidation John Bennett would be wise to expect no favours for his club’s stupidity over plans to increase their stadium capacity by 600 seats.

BBC Scotland provided a sympathetic hearing for Doncaster as they pushed their joint agenda.

Motherwell and Ross County are scheduled to visit Ibrox in August, even after yesterday’s fixtures announcement there is no word on where those matches will be played, switching fixtures gives those clubs a glut of home fixtures in the first month, a month during which many supporters will be on holiday.

Very little has been made public about the extent of the ‘delays’ even the Gullible & Deluded suspect that there is more to it than a rogue Asian supplier.

Ibrox fan media outlets were fobbed off as they enquired about rumours that the project had hit problems leaving others to speculate about the real issues and delays.

If the project is only a few weeks behind schedule it should be straightforward to limit attendance in the Copland Road Stand and play matches in front of three stands.

That option seems to be off the table, instead that leaves Murrayfield as the only realistic option with 47,000 Season Ticket holders to be displaced rather than a few thousand.

As ever with Doncaster and the SPFL transparency is an enemy, fans are to be kept in the dark as every effort is made to manufacture an O** F*** contest for the benefit of broadcasters and sponsors.

Any club suggesting a fixture reversal to suit Phil Clement’s side are likely to experience the same sort of backlash that broke out in 2012 when Charles Green’s Tribute Act pushed with Doncaster’s assistance for a place in the SPL, they failed that time as well.

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  • by BriBhoy
    Posted June 28, 2024 8:23 pm 0Likes

    Absolutely. In their words “No Surrender” to Ibrox intimidation and threats. Every supporter of every other club in scotland is sick to death of the constant Statement O’Clock bullshit that emanates from this cesspit at every (usually imaginary) slight and perceived injustice that they claim to be victims of. Despite the penalties, lack of red cards and every other masonic decision that goes their way every time they set foot on the pitch in a domestic game. They set the standard with the Dundee witch hunt. They should get the same zero tolerance treatment. Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it?

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