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Watch the Celts go up to lift the Scottish Cup in Santa Ponsa

Santa Ponsa was party central on Saturday as joyous Celtic fans celebrated their side’s Scottish Cup triumph, under the guidance of ‘adopted local’ Brendan Rodgers.

With tickets scarcer than a trophy at Ibrox thousands of fans body swerved overpriced hospitality packages in favour of a weekend in a special corner of Mallorca that is forever green and white.

A 4pm kick off allowed fans to enjoy plenty of sunshine before the build up to the match with arrival 30 minutes before kick-off required for a prime seat at the dozen or so Celtic/Irish pubs.

Brennan’s, Celts Well and The Dubliner are three of the most popular bars in the resort with each putting together their own unique setting to make the most of watching the hoops while enjoying the Baleric sunshine.

Harry’s Big Telly at The Square is rapidly becoming one of Mallorca’s leading tourist attractions, serving up the action to the overflow from Celts Well with outdoor seating for around 400 fans.

Along at Brennan’s Michelle puts in epic shifts as she spins the plates of serving drinks, clearing tables, bantering away and ensuring that the thirsty fans are all well looked after, up the road it is a similar story in The Dubliner which has multiple screens with Sonia and Sofia leaving no stone unturned to make matchday that bit special.

Adam Idah knows that he will Never Walk Alone, if he decides to drop in on Santa Ponsa he will be assured a heroes welcome with Rab Douglas a regular visitor in the resort while Fran Alonso celebrated most of his birthday week last year in The Dubliner.

Flights from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Prestwick touch down in Palma in under three hours with Santa Ponsa just a 30 minute drive from the airport to what is assumed to be a green and white enclave.

That is only about one third of the story, Santa Ponsa attracts visitors from all over with Germans, Scandinavians and Spaniards enjoying the beaches, climate and the variety of bars and restaurants on offer.



Celts Well, Santa Ponsa

The place to be to watch the match for most fans is clearly at The Square where the Celts Well has an incredible setting.

Indoors there are a few good screens to watch the match with Harry, Marina and Katie bolstered by extra matchday staff to keep the thirsty fans well hydrated.

Walking into The Square, which is actually circular, for the first time is a special experience, the screen dominates with a variety of outdoor acts on through the summer while Karl Byrne provides Celtic tunes and more late into the night.


The Dubliner

About half a mile away, along the Carter de Ramon de Montcalm is The Dubliner which provides six hours of live music every night from the start of April until well in to October.

Indoors there are no shortage of screens, outdoors on the terrace you can enjoy the match with a smoke in the ultimate Celtic minded atmosphere.

With Sonia, Sofia and Ciaran calling the shots only the very best musicians make it on stage with the brilliant Mairtin O’Huigin putting in 10 out of 10 performances every night of the week throughout the season. Abley assisted by Darrin Cahill and Cammy.

Keen to stay out in front, other top musicians appear in fortnightly shifts with Chris from Erin Go Bragh booked in for the whole of July and August.

Between The Dubliner and Celts Well there are plenty of options for supporters to watch the match or enjoy their night out with the area east of the small roundabout at Daniels Corner known as The Strip.

Brennan’s is in action before St Patrick’s Day with Michelle putting in Daizen Maeda type performances morning, noon and night.

The drinks are flowing, the tables cleared and the glasses washed in the blink of an eye, outdoors there are different acts on from 9-11.30pm every night. Indoors JJ McBrearty, known locally as Jesus keeps the tunes going well into the morning.



There is off course much more to Santa Ponsa than Celtic friendly pubs and bars, it is a very cosmpolitan resort, completely different to Magaluf which is a 10 euro taxi fair away where you’ll struggle to escape from a ‘diet’ of pizzas, burgers, chips, kebabs and overweight gammons.

Central to the appeal is the white sanded beach which never seems to get overcrowded.

The bay of Santa Ponsa provides a very sheltered beach, the waves are never fierce and from June onwards the chill is removed from the water.

Running parallel to the beach is Gran via Puig de Galatzo which has a Burger King and McDonalds for those needing a taste of home comforts.

At the bottom of Gran via Puig de Galatzo is the big roundabout, take a left and it opens up a very Spanish main road with a massive selection of restaurants with something for those that enjoy their steaks and tapas alongside Sangria.

You can eat out well every night, with or without your Celtic top on and get an authentic taste of the Spanish lifestyle that makes Mallorca the most in-demand resort in Europe.

On the other side of the big roundabout you have what is known as the quiet side of the bay, an area with more German themed hotels and restaurants. Before you reach that area you have to stop and get a picture on Carrer de Lisboa which is likely to have a few Celtic stickers.

Following the coastline round takes you to the exclusive Country Club area with properties belonging to the Celtic manager, Jurgen Klopp and Rafa Nadal.

Last June that area was the centre of attention for Celtic fans, after Michael Nicholson and Chris McKay indulged in some sweet talking Callum McGregor and Odin Thiago Holm were among Brendan’s guests.

Whatever the age range Santa Ponsa has an incredible pull, few visitors can resist the magic of the place with many guests returning two or three times each year, and never disappointed.

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Santa Ponsa


Santa Ponsa

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