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‘Ridiculous comment’ ‘Geez peace McGinn’ ‘Utterly clueless this guy’ Celtic fans shoot down O** F*** ticket plea

If you want to advance in the Scottish media you best learn how to play the Old Firm game.

More than a decade on from losing half of that toxic duet it remains the subject that pundits and reporters, broadcasters and publishers drool over for days on end and can get by without.

Everything must be covered in equal measure, apparently there is a great rivalry between Scotland’s most successful club and one that has lifted two trophies since Charles Green created them to fill a void with a focus for hatred.

The old lot was bad but compared to the anger, violence and delusions of the current mob the fan base that hit Manchester like the blitz in 2008 was fairly good natured, laid back and charitable.

Constant away victories under Brendan Rodgers from 2016 to 2018 got just too much for fans of the Tribute Act to cope with as they pushed their board into a corner to ensure that there would be no more Green and White parties in the Broomloan.

Since inception the Tribute Act has been held to ransom by their social media fan accounts who are still demanding retribution for the grand conspiracy of 2012 that sent Rangers into liquidation.

Hanging onto the coat-tails of the O** F*** myth has given the Tribute Act a focal point that BBC Scotland and all other outlets happily subscribe to.

With away allocations reduced to 700 and now zero because of the petted lip of angry bears the traditional media yarns are less credible, especially the claim that anyone outside of Scotland is interested in a one-sided parochial contest.

Go-Radio lives and dies off the O** F*** with Stephen McGinn running with the script in wanting a return to away allocations of 7,000 and no doubt an even split of trophies as well.

The myth of the jolly O** F*** battles of the past are trotted out with no-one daring to scratch below the surface of a fan base that has twice been sanctioned by UEFA for racist chanting while immune from domestic punishments.

Taking 700 Celtic fans to Ibrox for target practise is an act of madness. Earlier this year Police Scotland uncovered a stash of weapons and drugs being stored inside Ibrox by officially sanctioned Ultras group the Union Bears. Ibrox CEO James Bisgrove refers to them as stakeholders.

On Sunday, denied an outlet for their hatred loyal bears started fighting among themselves after showering their heroes with abuse as they took a lap of honour led by their Hall of Fame skipper.

If McGinn and Go Radio cherish them so much they should invite the Union Bears into their studios on December 30 to share their anthems of hate rather than inflict them on Celtic fans looking to enjoy watching the champions of Scotland turn on the style with a supportive backdrop.

McGinn is a Falkirk midfielder and grandson of a director that almost drove Celtic into liquidation.

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