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Watch as Clement runs the gauntlet as angry fans attack his car

Phil Clement had to put up with more than verbal abuse as he returned to Ibrox on Sunday with another defeat from Celtic on his CV.

The mainstream picked up on some comments from angry fans that questioned the brilliance and honesty of A Proper Football Manager who has still to reach his first year in the job.

Now further video clips have emerged of angry fans challenging and blocking Clement trying to get away in his car. It has been claimed that players were spat at.

As he signed a contract extension just before the start of this season the former Monaco boss spoke of how much he enjoys the passion and commitment of the fans, a proper support in a proper city for a Proper Football Manager.

After yesterday’s events Clement might be reviewing his decision to commit to the toxic club and support until 2028, his pay off should be secured if as expected the board cave in to fan pressure and do as they did to Giovanni van Bronckhorst and Micky Beale ahead of the AGM.

With an international break to endure there is no escape for Clement who has had two transfer windows to reshape the squad into his own image, on Friday night the Ibrox board provided him with a £3m Albanian midfielder in Nedim Banjari.

That comes on top of £4.5m for Mohamed Diomande, the same again on Oscar Cortes and a variety of other signings including £1.75m on Moroccan striker Hamza Igamane who finally made his debut yesterday, coming off the bench for the last 10 minutes of the Glasgow Derby.

Recently there has been signs of apathy setting in among the loyal bears but Sunday’s defeat appears to have struck a raw nerve.

There appears to be a realisation that they have been fooling themselves over the last three seasons, buying into every Revolution! to leave themselves with a gutless squad that is happy to get out of Celtic Park with a respectable 3-0 defeat.

With Clement trotting out stats and clinging onto a 6-0 win over Ross County to justify losing to Celtic things look like getting worse before they get better as The Banter Years roll on into brilliant new chapters.


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  • by BriBhoy
    Posted September 3, 2024 11:17 am 0Likes

    I was as frustrated as anyone in the godawful 90s and the more recent season when 10iar was blown. I get that people want to vent anger and let off steam, but when a bit of verbals turns into this kind of physical abuse, spitting and intimidation, it is never acceptable. Some of these rage-tards had young kids with them ffs! What an example to set them!

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