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Undercover Celtic fans explain the real reasons for the closure of Ibrox

It seems like an army of Celtic fans have been at work uncovering the issues that will see Ibrox closed until further notice.

After weeks of bare faced denial to their obedient fan media outlets the club had to own up on Thursday that their cherished stadium won’t be fit for hosting matches at the start of the new season.

How long that remains the case is up for debate, even the media messengers are writing off the month of August but in the absence of any real detail September looks like being a write off as well meaning that there will be no European pay days at Ibrox next season.

Around 14 years ago a large number of Celtic fans outed themselves as accountants and tax specialists, over the last two days it seems that there are an equal number of structural engineers, Asbestos experts with some also heavily involved in importing materials from Asian sources.

The events of 2011 and 2012 would warn anyone to think the opposite to the comments and statements coming out of Ibrox.

On 14th February 2012 Craig Whyte spoke on the steps of the main entrance to Ibrox about bouncing back bigger and stronger than ever from administration. His scuffed brogues, oversized suit and crumpled shirt and tie were never seen again.

This time around the blame has been publicly pinned on the rogue Asian supplier but even some In The Know bears are speculating about the Asbestos issues.

It would be a surprise if Asbestos wasn’t used in the three stands constructed between 1978 and 1981, as it stands the Asbestos isn’t a problem  but if it is broken or disturbed it suddenly becomes a huge and expensive issue.

Given that the steel for a relatively small job has been bought from China it can be assumed that corners are being cut at every stage in the job.

Once the Asbestos is broken the job of creating a disabled section and 600 extra seats suddenly multiplies in price and time. Tellingly in the Rangers Review Chris Jack reveals that Executive Chairman John Bennett knew three weeks ago that the Copland Road Stand wouldn’t be ready for the start of the new season.

The mainstream media and Ibrox fan outlets are all on message with one claiming that there is a three week delay on the arrival of the materials in Southampton, from there on in it will all fall into place. Celtic sleuths and Internet Bampots think otherwise.

If the new stars of the Clement Revolution are running out in front of 50,000 passionate bears in September then the Bampots have got it all wrong. If Clement’s side remain homeless after the September international break it will be another victory for the Obsessed in reading the signs coming out of Ibrox.

The smart money is on a few set backs emerging in the next couple of weeks as the Union Bears face up to not getting to enjoy their blue,blue sea of Ibrox until closer to Christmas, with or without Phil Clement in the dug-out of Dignity. Ibroxonia could become yet another myth.

CLICK HERE for Keevins performs incredible u-turn on Rodgers as he accuses Celtic fans.

CLICK HERE for I believe the asbestos rumours are genuine- ITK Ibrox fan with fearful news

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