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One cover up too many- ITK bear completely loses it over Ibrox closure

The disastrous decision making of the Ibrox board alongside their deflection tactics has pushed loyal fan Empire over the edge.

Fan media has been invited into the tent at Ibrox over the last few years but that has left most outlets hopelessly compromised over whether they act in the interests of the fans or wish to remain in the news loop.

Rather than highlight and call out the delays in the construction work at the Copland Road Stand fan media has kept quiet and been fed transfer updates on swoops for Connor Barron and Liam Kelly.

Empire backed up the Asbestos rumours on Follow Follow where he is described as a Staff Member.

Going off the beaten track often results of accusations of being a Timposter with many fans wanting reality to be supressed, to be left in the dark.

The early promise of the Phil Clement Revolution had bought the Ibrox board some goodwill after funding the Micky Beale Revolution but the fiasco involving the Copland Crane has proved t be just too much for Empire.

Celtic fans are indeed all over this, they were also all over Craig Whyte and the tax issues but for many bears it is best to keep problems in house, under wraps and away from gloating hoops fans.

Nine days after admitting that Ibrox won’t be ready for the start of the 24/25 season there is no word on where ‘home’ matches will be played.

Neil Doncaster has been sent out in search of goodwill and flexibility but is likely to report back empty handed as past aggression is repaid with interest as more than Celtic supporters revel in the problems at Ibrox.

It seems that most building projects badly over-run, when it involves New Edmiston House or a Sports Bar there is no obvious impact on the playing side.

This time things are different, by the looks of things October is looking increasingly optimistic with work barely started and a significant part of the pitch undercover for six weeks and counting.

With the mainstream remaining firmly on message Ibrox fans will have to rely on Empire and the dreaded online Celts to keep them upto date on matters inside their club, just as they did a dozen years ago over a scruffy former billionaire from Motherwell.

CLICK HERE for Ibrox closure announcement.

CLICK HERE for Keevins performs incredible u-turn on Rodgers as he accuses Celtic fans.

CLICK HERE for I believe the asbestos rumours are genuine- ITK Ibrox fan with fearful news.

Asbestos, Ibrox

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