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Ibrox fans demand that Chairman Bennett answers Asbestos rumours

Ibrox fans are growing restless over the lack of communications over the Stadium closure announced on Thursday.

A 115 word statement created more questions than answers with many loyal bears doubting that the delayed building works on the Copland Road Stand is solely due to problems with an Asian Supplier.

On message Chris Jack of the Rangers Review revealed that Bennett knew about the problem three weeks before the club made their statement with the delays and asbestos rumours being discussed on social media and the Follow Follow message-board.

One of the most trusted names on Follow Follow is Empire, when he comments fans tend to take notice with Empire keeping fans informed about the prospect of delays.

Follow Follow is on the invite list to Ibrox media conferences as is the Four Lads Had a Dream (Beam) website, according to Stevie Clifford the club was asked about the rumours of a delay but were assured that all was well.

To keep them sweet FLHAD(B) were fed the Connor Barron story which is being portrayed as some some sort of swoop ahead of teams from Italy and England.

James Bisgrove’s decision to quit the club after less than a year as CEO has forced Chairman John Bennett to take on Bisgrove’s workload, unlike the smooth talking Londoner Bennett says virtually nothing beyond the bare minimum required from his job.

Almost two years ago Bennett gave his last interview to the club’s in-house TV service during which he repeated the line of being ‘best in class at everything we do’.

That interview came on the back of successive scuddings from Celtic, Ajax and Napoli, a few weeks later Micky Beale was the best in class replacement for Giovanni van Bronckhorst.

On Thursday morning the SPFL will release the 24/25 fixture list with four rounds of fixtures before the first international break of the season at the start of September.

If the message passed on to media partners is correct Ibrox will have four full stands for September which will bring European group stage football, probably through Thursday night’s in the Europa League.

If the asbestos/structural damage/ Building Warrant rumours are true a longer closure will seriously harm the club financially and their dwindling credibility with supporters.

Relocating to Murrayfield for a prolonged spell isn’t practical for many fans that have bought Season Tickets while the seating options at Hampden are far inferior to the seats that fans are used to at Ibrox.

Bennett could kill the rumours stone dead with a detailed timeline about the problems and delays while setting a likely target date for the reopening of Ibrox, while he sits in silence the rumours will only grow that the problems are much deeper than Thursday’s brief statement.

CLICK HERE for the closure statement.

CLICK HERE for Keevins performs incredible u-turn on Rodgers as he accuses Celtic fans.

CLICK HERE for I believe the asbestos rumours are genuine- ITK Ibrox fan with fearful news.

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  • by John Copeland
    Posted June 24, 2024 11:23 am 0Likes

    Considering now that Scotland are coming home and thus the army of SMSM scoops and freeloaders accompanying them too , I can’t wait for the true forensic examination of the Ibroxland stadium farce from the hacks ! A proper old school type of sniffing out the truth , asking serious questions , with rigorous questioning of the answers ? It’s just me …I was watching an old Jacques Tati comedy classic movie last Saturday night and I’m still in that frame of mind …sacre bleu !

    Editor: The annual Kenny McLean story has been lauched alongside the exciting signing of Robbie Fraser who is three games away from being the next Nathan Patterson.

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