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Guardian hack Ewan Murray puts the boot into all things Celtic

The Guardian has again provided Ewan Murray with a platform to share his message-board style dislike for all things Celtic.

Brendan Rodgers, Joe Hart and the Celtic support are today’s target for the mentally scarred Jambo who manages to draw a salary as a golf expert.

Despite the lobbying of Tom English even BBC Scotland have resisted recruiting Murray to their rota of experts who all tend to share one over-riding motivation.

Kenny Macintyre, Alasdair Lamont, Kenny Miller, Neil McCann, Jane Lewis and Steven Thompson know what content and commentary is required.

The Guardian relies on the Press Association for their coverage of Scottish football, a few times a season they get Murray to share the views shaped from Gorgie coloured by the pain of Dens Park 1986 when Albert Kidd enjoyed 15 glorious minutes of fame.

Fame that has left generations of Jambos like Murray forever scarred.

Asked to preview today’s match at Hampden Murray couldn’t hold back as he poured out his hurt and anger in a way that wouldn’t be tolerated in the serious pages of the Manchester based newspaper.

Rangers can point to their financial implosion in 2012 as a mitigating factor but their silverware return while still carrying by far the second biggest budget in Scotland has been awful.

Ewan seems afraid to use a word beginning with L and ending in iquidation which explains why the Guardian and its legacy media sidekicks are struggling for relevance and audience 12 years after that glorious summer.

Celtic are fully entitled to relish their 54th league win but the scale and tone of the euphoria could lead onlookers to believe they are embroiled in something other than a two-horse race. Rodgers has been more giddy than ever before, to a level tricky to take seriously.

Rodgers will forever be taken more seriously as the angry Jambo golf reporter who detests all things green and white with the 2019 and 2020 Scottish Cup Finals just the latest scars on Murray’ troubled life.


The Celtic manager – not one to miss an opportunity to curry favour – was lauding his club’s support for the latest time shortly before the same group were embarrassing themselves in Glasgow city centre during title “celebrations” last weekend.

Murray never misses an opportunity to share his extreme dislike for all things Celtic. Very few Celtic fans were embarrassing themselves in the city centre, that was left to a few politicians such as Susan Aitken and chin-stroking media commentary led by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Over the next two months Glasgow will host over 100 hate marches, Murray, the Guardian and BBC Scotland wouldn’t dare criticise the marches or the political enablers.

The city centre scenes were repeated in Bologna and Bergamo this week and will be in Manchester tonight and tomorrow, again there won’t be any criticism from Murray who reserves his anger for people wearing green.

Joe Hart, nothing more than a decent Celtic goalkeeper, has been heralded as some kind of modern-day icon as he edges towards retirement.

If Murray was as decent as Hart at his profession he wouldn’t be the golf reporter for a left leaning broadsheet toiling to cope with the digital transformation. Hart is by far the best goalkeeper in Glasgow, the best in Scotland over the last three years. He is miles better than Angus Gunn, Zander Clark, Craig Gordon and Liam Kelly as Murray will discover next month in Germany.

Even more amusing was the playing of the Champions League anthem as Celtic received the Premiership trophy. Zadok the Priest should send followers of Celtic into cold sweats; the club’s recent record in Europe is laughing-stock material. Those in the stands have instead been conditioned to revel in domestic bliss.

Zadoc the Priest, or any priest will never be heard at Tynecastle although they did have a near miss in 2006 when they were canned 5-1 by AEK Athens in a qualifier.

Anyone looking for a laughing stock should check the record of Hearts against the Ibrox Tribute Act post lockdown or the digital reach of the Guardian in Scotland with Murray’s attitude and issues undermining every other area of their content.

CLICK HERE for two faced Keevins makes remarkable Rodgers u-turn

CLICK HERE for Santa Ponsa celebrates Celtic’s victory in the Glasgow Derby.

CLICK HERE for SPFL Premiership table.

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