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Whorey old conspiracies- Keith Jackson jumps to defend John Beaton

Keith Jackson has been warning his army of readers aganst the dangers of whorey old conspiracy theories!

With social media accounts highlighting the issues that make John Beaton completely conflicted when it comes to refereeing either Glasgow club Keith Jackson has turned to Stuart Dougal to comfort him with good news about the man who will referee Sunday’s Glasgow Derby.

It seems that Dougal (search You Tube for Charlie Mulgrew and Kyle Lafferty) believes that all is fair and proper in the land of the SFA where Ian Maxwell and Crawford Allan operate for the good of the game, without fear or favour.


Apparently Willie Collum and David Dickinson are treated as equals even though the senior referee between them hasn’t had an SPFL match involving Philippe Clement’s side this year while young Dickinson, to the delight of his family has refereed the Belgian’s club three times.

Rather than dig into some statistics Jackson falls back into conspiracy territory as he reassures Record readers that the man from the Crown Bar in Bellshill is a decent sort without the slightest leaning towards any club in the country:

Rodgers jabbed a finger of blame at the officials for that 2-0 loss and called out Beaton for ‘incompetence’ in his role in the VAR studio, stoking the flames of a thousand whorey old conspiracy theories.

What whorey old conspiracies would Jackson be pointing at?

a) That Beaton celebrated an incredible performance in the December 2018 Glasgow Derby by joining his pals in the Crown Bar in Bellshill?

John Beaton, VAR, SFA, Graeme Shinnie, Crawford Allan

b) That Celtic’s opponents on Sunday have enjoyed 64 and 75 match runs without conceding a penalty in the SPFL over the last five years?

c) That a previous club from Ibrox had stopped paying Income Tax and National Insurance to HMRC in the autumn of 2011 to maintain a challenge to Celtic in the SPL?

d) That Dave Murray used dual contracts with payments being made into offshore trusts to attract players that wouldn’t go near Rangers if they were getting paid in the conventional manner?

e) The conspiracy that former Head of Refereeing Hugh Dallas shared anti-Catholic emails with colleagues at the SFA?

f) The bonkers claim that Dougie McDonald lied to Neil Lennon and stitched up his colleague Steven Craven to save his own skin

Those hoary old conspiracies turned out to be FACTS!, they were discussed in person and across social media while the Daily Record and others tried to point their readers in very different direction.

One whoary old conspiracy that Jackson and the Record tried their best to push concerned the far fetched claim that a scruffy guy from Motherwell that was behind on his mortgage payments and had previously served a six year ban from being a director was actually a billionaire!

Daily Record, Craig Whyte, Keith Jackson

The Record just wouldn’t let go with that story, Craig Whyte was portrayed as a business mastermind without a shred of evidence beyond dabbling in the Stock Market while he was at secondary school.

Less than two years after introducing Whyte to their readers the Record told them that Rangers died in June 2012 before spending the next 12 years pretending that the death never happened.

Daily Record, Rangers, Keith Jackson

With print sales of the Record down to just 52,264 a day during February it seems that their army of readers are starting to look elsewhere for hoary old conspiracy theories.

CLICK HERE for SNP councillor shames McCoist into Walking Away.

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