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‘Plot thickens’ Jim White in full deflection mode as Bampots set the Dens agenda

Jim White reckons that the plot has thickened over the midweek postponement of a football match at Dens Park.

The plot is crystal clear, the TalkSPORT presenter and his fellow cheerleaders have been trying their best to set their narrative but online the Internet Bampots have cruelly exposed the messengers.

At first there was no comment from the mainstream about April 3, across Twitter fans of 11 Premiership clubs knew exactly what was going on with Philippe Clement wanting to give his side a clear week of training to prepare for Celtic.

The long established convention is that the first available date is used to reschedule postponed matches, after the events that resulted in the March 17 postponement April 3 was that date.

When the April 10 match was also postponed it became impossible to avoid the April 3 question, a few messengers tried the claim that both clubs wanted the later date but that line wasn’t going to hold when the Ibrox club accused Dundee of negligence and being unprofessional.

That proved to be a step too far. The Dundee based Courier/Telegraph let the cat out the bag with:

It’s understood a key SPFL leadership figure recommended the postponed fixture be played at the first available midweek date, April 3, in keeping with this individual’s default approach to such situations. They were also mindful of the upcoming Premiership split.

However, at the request of one of the two clubs involved, the issue was escalated to SPFL board level where it was then decided the game would take place on Wednesday, April 10.

Even White could work out which club objected to April 3, rather than address that claim from a publisher in Dundee the TalkSPORT anchorman opted for a classic deflection.

Blowing the plot out the water the SPFL announced on March 20 that they were avoiding the natural date to play the match, again they were following their orders from Ibrox.

On Thursday morning Simon Jordan was banging the drum for April 3, the reasons were clear to an outsider with White keeping quiet knowing that the elephant in the room was starting to get restless.

The whole incident has underlined the strength of social media, calling out the obvious while legacy media try their best to push falsehood’s. The more they push the message that they are being fed the weaker they become.

On various issues White and his chums are trying to shape the agenda, the more that they bury their heads in the sand the quicker they ensure their demise as others call them out leaving the public to make their own judgements.

CLICK HERE for the rumours about Crawford Allan.

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