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How the shadow on Ange is crushing Micky Beale

These days the situation with Harry Kane is occupying the thoughts of Ange Postecoglou more than the gobby rookie that thought that the Australian was a lucky man.

Micky Beale couldn’t stop talking about Celtic- now the tables are turned with matching the achievements of Postecoglou the least that the current Ibrox boss is expected to deliver.

Two years ago the bears were sneering and laughing as Celtic took three defeats in Postecoglou’s first six matches in charge. Egged on by the media with one old fool chuckling at Absolutely Not Good Enough while the record goalscorer in the SPL helpfully suggested that the hoops boss ought to pack his bags.

Belatedly Postecoglou took Kris Boy’s advise, he is now managing in the richest league in the world while the former Kilmarnock ace is getting bitch-slapped by Chris Sutton as he struggles to put a brave face on another dubious Ibrox managerial appointment.

Working almost from scratch, Postecoglou cut Steven Gerrard down to size, scared him off to Aston Villa with his support act of Gary McAllister and Beale trailing behind to sort out the bibs and cones at Villa.

In season one Ange delivered two trophies and was denied a treble by Bobby Madden in his farewell to Scottish football. All that despite inheriting a car crash with three of his key players- Cameron Carter-Vickers, Jota and Giorgos Giakoumakis- not arriving until August 31.

In contrast Beale has had nine months to prepare for the start of this season, he has had Todd Cantwell and Nico Raskin under his wing since January boosted by NINE summer signings all done and dusted in time for the SPFL opener.

Two years ago Postecoglou had Liel Abada and Carl Starfelt in his side for the SPFL opener against Hearts, after leaving quarantine on the Friday Kyogo Furuhashi came on as a substitute at Tynecastle without the benefit of a single training session. A week later Celtic fans saw the light, the grand plan in a 6-0 win over Dundee, Kyogo scored a hat-trick.

Beale could hardly have had it more favourable going into the game at Kilmarnock. Not only did he fail but he failed badly, or gloriously depending on whether or not you are a bear.

A squad of giants have been recruited, Scott Wright is as close as they get to a winger with a very narrow ‘system’ that seems unique in football.

Every successful team plays at least one winger, using the width of the park is an essential tactic but it seems that Beale knows best although Derek McInnes left him exposed and vulnerable on Saturday.

Ibrox fans are crushed by the events of Saturday. When they grudgingly bring in Postecoglou and Brendan Rodgers to criticise last week’s messiah it isn’t a good sign.

Most of them had nine points counted and progress in the Champions League booked up by the time Celtic visit on September 3.

Beale now has a minefield of fixtures to get through before he gets to take on the champions, if there are any more slip ups the backlash will be brutal. After being promised the earth in the summer the least that is expected in the SPFL title, anything less will have inevitable consequences for the former Liverpool u-5s coaching supremo.

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