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It doesn’t look good another VAR decision going for Rangers in the 90th minute- Barry Robson calls out Dallas and Walsh

Barry Robson has spoken out for fans of 11 top flight clubs as he watched his side robbed of two points by a VAR recommendation from Andrew Dallas.

When it was suggested that Nick Walsh should consult the pitchside monitor there was only going to be one outcome from the Bearsden based PE teacher to the Murray Park starlets.

Without question there was a shirt pull on Connor Goldson, Walsh had witnessed it in real time but Stefan Gartenmann had let go before the former Shrewsbury defender decided to throw himself to the ground.

Prior to the shirt pull Sam Lammers had blocked Gartenmann as he moved to track the ball, an incident that Dallas decided to overlook, as did Walsh.

1 minute in

Stefan got blocked, I think we can all see that. VAR haven’t bothered looking at the block and just looked at the shirt. We’re in trouble aren’t we? If this is the way it’s going to go. For me, it doesn’t look good…another VAR decision going Rangers’ way in the 90th minute again. It doesn’t look good for..I don’t know I’m just frustrated. It took him long enough didn’t it? (Walsh) What I feel I can’t say.

Last month, trailing 1-0 at home to Hearts Alan Muir highlighted a very similar incident with John Beaton pointing to the penalty spot for the second time in the match.

It is now 68 matches since a penalty was awarded against the Ibrox Tribute Act in the SPFL, a run that covers 22 months and three managers since Kevin Clancy pointed to the spot for Lewis Ferguson to score past Allan McGregor.

Stephen Glass and Giovanni van Bronckhorst were the managers for that 1-1 draw, two days later a letter was leaked to Sky Sports detailing criticisms of Kevin Clancy, the message got through.

Of the seven penalties awarded so far in the SPFL only two of them have been while in a winning position.

Last season Celtic were awarded seven penalties in the SPFL and conceded seven including two in the first match under VAR. Across the city it was 10 for and none against.

Questioned on VAR and refereeing matters at the Celtic AGM Peter Lawwell and Michael Nicholson decided to crack jokes rather than discuss their club being disadvantaged against their only genuine domestic competitors.

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