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Ibrox will be jumping, that’s for sure- listen to the premature celebrations of Hugh Keevins as Motherwell equalise

For two minutes Hugh Keevins was in his pomp, like a pig in sh**e as Motherwell hit a 95th minute equaliser at home to Celtic.

Every piece of anger bouncing about in his head spilled out as he celebrated dropped points for the hoops with the prospect of a revived O** F*** battle for the SPFL Premiership title.

Celtic’s 0-0 draw against St Johnstone in August was revived alongside the misguided move in renewing contracts was all broadcast loud and proud with the hope that the one sided battle for honours over the last decade was about to be ended.

For his generation the world started and ended with the O** F***, poisonous battles between two clubs that were built up and hyped beyond belief for weeks in advance then tut-tutted over when the inevitable broke out between rival supporters and occasionally players or managers.

Every season the honours were split fairly evenly with the same old yarns trotted out claiming that the fixture was the biggest in the world when barely anyone south of Gretna shows any interest.

It was classic Keevins yesterday but there was still a couple of minutes left to play, most observers of the Scottish game know that only a complete fool would write off Celtic while there is still time on the clock.

It is a shocker of a day for Celtic and Ibrox is rocking…

And then Callum McGregor passed inside to Nat Phillips, the ball was switched left to Greg Taylor whose cross was met at the back post by Matt O’Riley and suddenly the As It Stands table was back to seven points after seven games.


All through the week Keevins had consoled Ibrox fans with the prospect of Celtic dropping points at Motherwell allowing the Beale Revolution! to cut the gap at the top of the table down to a point or two.

For a few minutes that prospect was live but by 5pm it was back to Grief Counselling following a 3-1 home defeat from Aberdeen.

The fixture list could hardly have been any more accommodating for Beale’s side but the Brains Behind Gerrard finds himself seven points adrift of the champions without having visited a top six ground.

More than 24 hours on from their latest humiliation there is radio silence at Ibrox while angry bears scream for the instant dismissal of the man that sold them the dream of global domination built around Todd Cantwell and Nico Raskin.

Last season the gap reached nine points at the start of November with Giovanni van Bronckhorst getting sacked after 366 days in charge.

An even earlier dismissal is on the cards for Beale with the fall-out certain to amuse Celtic fans with the Banter Years about to launch into a new chapter with the baton handed on from the hapless and hopeless former QPR boss.

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