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Two Bundesliga clubs linked with alleged Celtic transfer target

Fabian Rieder is reported to be a transfer target for both Borussia Dortmund and Borussia Monchengladbach.

With little substance beyond some social media speculation the Swiss u-21 midfielder has been linked with Celtic, possibly becoming the club’s first £10m plus signing.

There seems little doubt that Celtic could finance a deal but spending £10m plus is easier said than done.

After three seasons at YB Berne now seems to be the time for Rieder to move on but a transfer to Germany, Italy or France is almost certainly going to hold greater appeal than the risks involved in moving to Scotland even with the promise of Champions League football.

After finishing tenth last season in the Bundesliga Monchengladbach are looking to rebuild, Gladbach Live reports:

One name that has basically been omnipresent since March is Fabian Rieder (21).


In spring, the Swiss newspaper “Blick” reported on Borussia’s interest in guiding the Swiss national player to the Lower Rhine in summer 2023.


Since then, the parties have been getting closer step by step. First, the offensive swirler made it public that he would like to take his next step in the Bundesliga and raved about Borussia – then Rieder’s adviser stepped in and confirmed Gladbach’s interest.


Consultant Fabian von Matt recently also provided the latest status and went into detail . “Gladbach is one of the interested parties, that’s right. We are in contact with the club, that’s true too. But not only with Gladbach. And first the path must be cleared financially for an immigration of this dimension. In other words: Gladbach has to sell first,” he told Blick.

Celtic fly out to Portugal tomorrow to step up their pre-season work with Odin Thiago Holm and Marco Tilio the only new signings.

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