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Former BBC Scotland reporter makes Graham Potter to Ibrox claim

Fraser Fletcher has claimed that Graham Potter is on a four man short list to replace Micky Beale.

The former BBC Scotland intern has found the perfect home at Football Insider where he latches onto internet gossip and adds his own unique magic dust to create EXCLUSIVES!

Despite the outcry from last week’s defeat from Celtic there is no sign of movement inside Ibrox with no one prepared to accept responsibility for handing a rookie manager a £15m war-chest which was almost all spent on forwards that were relegated last season.

Beale personally looked into the eyes of all the players that he signed, last Sunday as he selected his side to face Celtic he preferred Kemar Roofe and Rabbi Matondo to his own signings.

After 21 matches in charge of QPR Beale signed a three and a half year contract at Ibrox last November, the content of his gardening leave will be under scrutiny but finding a credible manager to take on Beale’s squad won’t be straightforward.

For Football Transfers, Fletcher reports:

The club are looking at Graham Potter, whose last job was at Chelsea, and Chris Wilder, who departed Watford in May.

It is believed that these names make up two of the four possible replacements the side are looking at, though the club feel that Potter might be financially out of reach.

Yeah, and Celtic 365 understands that interest in signing Mo Salah to team up with Danilo in January might also be financially out of reach.

Famously in July Fletcher’s ‘sources’ had Saudi clubs bidding for Scott Wright soon after Jota moved to Al Ittihad from Celtic for £25m.

A more realistic managerial shortlist would consist of Davie Martindale, Robbie Neilson, Derek McInnes and Neil McCann.

Potter was reported to be getting paid close to £1m a month by l’Equipe before being sent on gardening leave after being sacked by Chelsea in April.

Without the finances to get anywhere close to those terms Potter won’t be moving to Ibrox to take charge of a car crash squad and be expected to get the better of Brendan Rodgers.

Sam Lammers, Cyriel Dessers, Jose Cifuentes and Dujon Sterling are all on contracts until June 2027 with no chance of those terms being matched after a disastrous spell at Ibrox.

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  • by John Copeland
    Posted September 10, 2023 8:41 pm 0Likes

    Notice how Fletcher uses might , possible ,believed and ‘ feel that ‘in his yarn ? Not a single syllable of fact or absolute truth from the Rangers horse’s mouth . In other words …horse manure !

  • by Captain Swing
    Posted September 11, 2023 5:34 pm 0Likes

    I’ve said it before, they’re mixing up Graham Potter with Brian Potter from ‘Phoenix Nights’, who to be fair has a lot of experience in running dodgy clubs which miraculously return after going bust….

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