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The Celtic Park capacity issue is revived with the future of South Stand in doubt

Almost any non transfer related tweet on August 31 is almost certain to virtually disappear without trace, on January 31 a similar effect is certain, even about the redevelopment of Celtic Park.

Without doubt Celtic Park is in need of an upgrade, three of the four stands are in the 25-30 year age bracket which is fine for another decade or so but the same can’t be said for the South Stand.

Left behind by the Fergus McCann driven rebuild at the end of the last century nothing has been done on that building since a new faced was completed in 1988 to add office spaces, increased hospitality facilities and a row of corporate boxes at the back of the Stand.

At the time it was a necessity as sponsorship and hospitality flooded into football, previously a couple of rows outside the Directors Box would be retained for CR Smith but the nineties corporate client expected something more.

In 2001 Celtic Park welcomed Champions League football for the first time, three sides of the stadium provided a fantastic backdrop for the television cameras but elsewhere things were badly lacking, they still are.

In two weeks time the new look Champions League begins with a visit from Slovan Bratislava, at best the media facilities at Celtic Park are quaint, in reality they are basic and lacking.

With broadcasters paying higher and higher fees for rights there is bound to come a time when UEFA demand proper working facilities, not a giant sized tent outside of the stadium to go alongside a dangerously overcrowded Media Room.

Improved facilities should have been in place at least a decade ago but with the South Stand struggling to provide running hot water to customers and housing two female toilets Celtic seem content with their quaint but inadequate facilities.

David Low did much of the legwork for McCann to take control and wholly redevelop Celtic when it was on its knees, staring towards Admiistration and Liquidation before the Scots-Canadian took over and changed generations of thinking.

After a spell with the Celtic Trust he has stepped down from that role, during a recent podcast with the Celtic Exchange he mentioned the formation of a Shareholders Association to provide a new voice for the thousands of fans with tiny shareholdings that get an hour of the club’s time at the AGM then are completely dismissed for the next 364 days.

Celtic Park

Many reasons are put forward for Celtic’s stock piling of cash, the most logical one is that a board rammed with accountants and lawyers simply have no ideas on how to expand and develop the club. Anyone suggesting ideas to them is likely to be get the reply of ‘Ah but look at what happened to Rangers’ as a reply.

Sending the bank balance over £100m is turning into something of an embarrassment, that figure should be reinvested in running the club, mainly on the playing, coaching and support staff with external funding used for capital projects.

Celtic haven’t had a share issue since 2005, raising funds from a share issue alongside a long term loan of 15 years or so ought to be under discussion alongside the time span in which a new look South Stand would pay for itself.

Naturally caution will be the word among the Celtic executives, at the 2022 AGM Michael Nicholson gave a figure of £100m to redevelop the South Stand and quickly dismissed it, no detail was offered.

At some stage the issue will need to be addressed, being proactive is generally the smarter move but not one that is likely inside a club where every senior appointment was under the watch of Peter Lawwell.

A one season closure of the South Stand may be required but one batch of Champions League income more than covers that, an expanded new construction with fresh facilities, increased Season Ticket sales and hospitality should quickly be able to pay for itself. If the club possesses ambition and vision.

The new South Stand could include the club superstore, a museum (perhaps based around maintaining the current Directors Room) with another restaurant or two alongside fast food outlets. All income generators. Outside of 25 matchdays.

As with most matters Celtic it is unlikely that any public discussion will be had, scare stories such as at Ibrox over the last six months would be used to justify the status quo.

A redeveloped South Stand and regular involvement in the Champions League alongside modest investment in the playing staff through a proper Recruitment policy could quickly turn Celtic into a £200m a year operation.

Even with a fairly limited Stadium Tour there is constant demand all year round from visitors. Celtic fans and others, it is a leading Glasgow attraction.

A new South Stand would add greatly to the appeal of Celtic Park, there is enough demand out there to make it viable, when the South Stand was rebuild in the early seventies no-one imaged the Forge or Fort Shopping Centres or the prospect of a Velodrome being built across London Road.

But with the current leadership showing little interest beyond keeping things ticking over the same as before it is likely to require a new broom to appear to sweep the club into a new way of thinking.

Perhaps the trips to Dortmund, Zagreb and Aston Villa might drop a few seeds of ambition into Nicholson and his cronies, perhaps.


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  • by Joe mcaleer
    Posted September 9, 2024 11:12 am 0Likes

    Let’s get this thing done, Celtic are in a new place, meaning a European establishment. We are too big for the Scottish ,SFA old fashioned ways.

  • by Gordon Swinburne
    Posted September 9, 2024 11:33 am 0Likes

    Upgrade the facilities by all means, if closing the stand for a season, what happens to the season ticket holders already situated there?
    Do they get to return to their seats? I have sat in that stand over 30 years before even Fergus came?
    Do you want to fund it with corporate tickets? I’m positive the Board would love that due to greater income (twice they tried to move me).
    Short memories of the recent seasons when the top tiers of the rest of the stands where closed.
    How many of the fans wanting this stadium upgrade actually sit in this stand?
    As I say fully behind an upgrade of facilities especially for the growing number of female supporters now attending games.

  • by Johnno
    Posted September 9, 2024 12:52 pm 0Likes

    Who’s to say that isn’t within the plans of the club at present?
    We are going to remain a club that will be self sufficient, without looking for the need of outside investment, to entertain such a massive project to undertake?
    At present there are way too many empty seats on show for sold out SPFL matches, without a ticket exchange scheme in place?
    So demand is still there within the club for tickets?
    Yet finding alternative seating arrangements for long term season ticket holders within the south stand, would be a massive problem to overcome also, even if it was for only 1 season?
    But like most things, the corporate sector have to be looked after foremost these days, so until such alternative arrangements can be organised beforehand, then the potential situation will remain on hold imo?
    Would like to think that such plans are being talked about at present, but as supporters it will be done on a need to know basis also?
    At present, the board don’t need to tell us nothing, so in return we get a nothing to know reply?
    The idea has been there for sometime now, yet it’s the first time we are in a position to actually making it happen financially, so could well be something going on within the background at present?
    Hope so anyway?

  • by Terence Nova
    Posted September 9, 2024 1:50 pm 0Likes

    A wee bit of relevant background…
    I got my first South Stand seat in the early 80’s …It was at the “Celtic end ” in line with the 18 yard box…and I sat there for about 10 years ….and the Stand was run down then…In the early 90’s I got a tip that two “Centre stand ” , just outside the Director’s section, seats were coming available…and I snapped them up for me and my mate.
    In 1995 we were housed at Hampden for a season…and I found myself seated next to a very close family member of the Celtic Park Stadium Manager…I expressed my concern to them about the “shabby” state of the South Stand…and in particular the toilets…which were awful. They told me to put it in writing…and they would pass it on.
    Now I don’t know if they did or not …but nothing happened that I could see.
    Fast forward…and I gave up my seat in protest at our Board’s shameful handling of Res. 12…but I have gone back as an invited guest on a couple of occasions…and I still see it as shabby and run down
    Given their attitude to spending money…I won’t hold my breath regarding a massive face-lift .
    We shall see.

  • by Terence Nova
    Posted September 9, 2024 2:19 pm 0Likes

    Meant to say…In the very early 90’s I was invited to a Corporate night at Celtic Park…and at the end of the evening I found myself walking around the pitch with Michael Kelly….He was upset by an article that had appeared in the Glasgow Herald and which had severely criticised the state of the Stadium.
    He asked me if I had read it…I said I had… He then asked me what I thought of it…
    I took a deep breath …and said that I agreed with the points they had raised…He was not pleased…and said. ” We’ll agree to disagree on that.”
    Conversation over.
    And can I ask when I’m on…
    How is Barrowfield progressing…does anyone know ?

  • by Robert McLaughlin
    Posted September 9, 2024 4:07 pm 0Likes

    Easier getting white smoke from the Vatican than any news from the Celtic Board everyone knows DD is Not a football man got no interest except making money fair enough but that lack of ambition leaves us exactly where we are great paying customers/ fans a board of his year men / women under the thumb of PL and now he’s got his own boy on board watching his interest nothing will be done nothing can be done unless DD is personally challenged & you only see him at charity golf events enough said 🤬

  • by George O'Neill
    Posted September 12, 2024 10:48 am 0Likes

    I am a bean counter by trade, and I have long been in favour of increasing the capacity by rebuilding the south stand. Even more so now, as I can’t even get on the waiting list for season tickets.

  • by Tam
    Posted September 14, 2024 6:15 am 0Likes

    I am in FS7 and yes , food and toilet facilities are basic, my question is (obviously) hypothetically , what happens to fans in the south stand while this rebuilding happens? how many of the fans writing articles about this have seats in the main stand?
    my view is that i dont see this happening anytime soon HH

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