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Elite Sports finally get their Ibrox kit deal pay off

For the second time in a fortnight it is being reported that the administrators acting for Elite Spirts have had their claim for breach of contract settled by the club from Ibrox.

Elite Sports, acting for Danish form Hummel took on the kit deal for the troubled 212 Tribute Act but claims that Mike Ashley’s tank had been forced into reverse gear was wide of the mark.

Sports Direct started legal proceedings against the club run by Dave King which restricted sales for Hummel who withdrew two years into their three year contract.

Elite Sport went into administration but their determination to recompense debtors has paid off with the claim against the Ibrox club coming in at £9.5m after they were given access to the sales figures generated by Castore Sports who picked up the contract in the summer of 2020.

After striking a last minute Out of Court settlement Elite returned last week explaining that the deal hadn’t been signed off but this afternoon STV are reporting that the deal has finally been completed:

Lawyers in a multi-million-pound case against Rangers in a dispute over football kit sales have told a judge the matter has been settled.

Proceedings seeking £9.5m had been brought against the club by sportswear brand Elite Sports Group Ltd.

Elite was the exclusive brand partner to Danish sportswear firm Hummel. Its lawyers claimed Rangers breached a contract which allowed the firm to provide the Glasgow team with Hummel kits.

Lawyers for Elite said the breach occurred when Rangers signed a deal with Castore, a Manchester based brand which counts tennis Sir Andy Murray as one of its investors.

Two weeks ago lawyers told Lord Braid that a deal had been agreed between parties in “Fergie Time”. Lord Braid described it as being made in “the last minute of stoppage time.” No sum was disclosed.

However, last week, lawyers in the matter returned to court to tell Lord Braid that the matter had not yet settled due to a disagreement over the terms of the written contract in the deal.

Lord Braid urged jurors to give “110 per cent commitment” to resolve the matter.

On Tuesday, during a short hearing, David Thomson KC, acting on behalf of Elite, said the disagreement had been resolved.

The exact terms are unlikely to become known until the Elite administrators publish their next report for creditors.

With Chairman John Bennett failing to make much ground in his attempts to take £10m a year off the wage bill any payment to Elite will be painful, having pushed the matter for four years it is unlikely that the payout will be less than £5m.

There has been no recent updates on the legal disputes over the cancelled Memorial Wall or the dispute Wi-fi contract.


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  • by Dando
    Posted August 20, 2024 4:58 pm 0Likes

    The £9.5m was already determined it was the payment terms they were debating.


  • by A Bhoy in Paradise
    Posted August 20, 2024 5:47 pm 0Likes

    How many times have one version or another of the rangers been taken to court. Seriously, they have to be the most successful club in the world when it comes to court appearances 💚 🤍 🧡

  • by BriBhoy
    Posted August 20, 2024 9:02 pm 0Likes

    And they and their f**kwit followers wonder why we weren’t prepared to take them at their word, with regard to whether Ibrox would be ready for the next derby game there and our fans allowed in? I’d sooner trust an arsonist with a box of matches.

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