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Who’s at fault? Drone coverage emerges of Ibrox ‘construction’ work

Drone footage has emerged of the reconstruction work taking place inside Ibrox.

Last Thursday in a brief club statement it was revealed that Ibrox wouldn’t be available for the start of the season with the blame conveniently pointed towards ‘an Asian supplier’.

After a 24 hour media flurry where the closure time was consistently downplayed life returned to normal as exciting new signings like Connor Barron were discussed alongside Scotland’s prospects at the European Championships.

There are dozens of issues that need to be resolved ranging from UEFA agreement to the rights of Season Ticket holders and hospitality clients with Thursday’s SPFL fixture release the first clue as to what is going on.

Ibrox media partner Four Lads Had A Dream were handed the claim that the delayed materials will arrive in the UK on July 21 with the remainder of the project expected to be completed soon after.

Even the Gullible aren’t accepting that version with the prospect that Asbestos has been disturbed being openly debated on social media after a Staff Member of Follow Follow raised the prospect.

Other than a short statement from the SPFL promising to do all that they can to help, as usual, there has been nothing from the football authorities with the suggestion floated that clubs can reverse fixtures to help out the struggling Ibrox side.

The timeline for the work to be completed seems to be held under embargo with no suggestion of opening up three stands to get fixtures played with minimal disruption.

The drone coverage shows that the area upto the penalty spot in the goalmouth at the Copland Road Stand is under cover with metal sheeting down to allow a crane to operate.

Work seems to be continuing at Ibrox but with only a handful or workmen involved it seems that they have been told to keep quiet with questions answered with ‘F**k knows mate!’

The elephant in the room is the Asbestos impact, the construction of the stand in 1980 would almost certainly have involved that substance, whether or not it has been disturbed is the main issue.

An away fixture, possibly to Dundee United is expected to open the season on August 3 but on August 6/7 and 13 UEFA will play their Champions League Third Round Qualifiers with no special exemptions.

Due to their attitude to other clubs and fans since 2012 there is virtually no goodwill to the Ibrox club across Scottish football, even at the clubs that are traditionally friendly to teams from Ibrox.

On the known evidence it seems that October looks like the earliest time for Ibrox to reopen, whether Phil Clement is still in charge at that stage is open to debate.

CLICK HERE for the closure statement.

CLICK HERE for Keevins performs incredible u-turn on Rodgers as he accuses Celtic fans.

CLICK HERE for I believe the asbestos rumours are genuine- ITK Ibrox fan with fearful news.

Asbestos, Ibrox

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1 Comment

  • by BriBhoy
    Posted June 26, 2024 5:53 pm 0Likes

    Said it before and I will say it again. If this was us that had fucked up a refurb this badly, you can guarantee that the media would be crucifying us. There’d be none of this pish about how everyone should rally round to help “for the good of Scottish football”. It would be full scale, wall-to-wall, screaming headlines demanding everything from heavy fines, to points deductions, to having our Champions’ League place handed to the Huns, to being kicked out of the league (that last one being copyright Hugh Keevins or anyone at BBC Hunland).

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