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Obsessed BBC can’t cope with Celtic celebrations

BBC Scotland has decided that the main news items on their website are related to the celebrations of Celtic supporters on Saturday afternoon.

Around 25,000 fans are estimated to have gathered in and around the Trongate to deliver a very welcome boost to the hospitality industry in the area.

As with any gathering of that amount it is bound to attract some anti-social elements.

Almost three days on from Celtic being presented with the SPFL Premiership trophy the main item on the BBC Scotland website for Glasgow and the West of Scotland relates to celebrations in and around Glasgow Cross.

Some business owners have been selected to share their views on the issue which was all quickly cleared up with the Sunday morning charity Race For Life through the area going off without any disruption.

On the home page this morning the BBC carried stories of a murder enquiry plus the sickening deeds of a rapist who defrauded former partners out of over £200,000.

Taking their lead from Kenny Macintyre and Tom English in their Sports Department the News teams at the state broadcaster are demonising the Celtic support as they take a break from round the clock coverage of ferry costs.

Every second weekend thousands of visitors come to Glasgow to watch Celtic, a significant number staying in hotels with many pubs and restaurants experiencing a significant spike in takings around Celtic home matches.

For the third year running Glasgow City Council refused to consider using Glasgow Green as a natural area for the gathering and refused to provide additional skips/bins for rubbish or Portaloos.

Next Sunday one of the Manchester football clubs will parade the FA Cup on an open top bus, projecting the city in a very favourable light.

Only a very limited bus tour would be possible in Glasgow, an alternative area to celebrate a once a year event seems to be beyond the will of the city council who will happily roll out the red carpet for cycling events, pipe bands and the Commonwealth Games.

BBC Scotland

BBC Scotland reported:

The disruption was also felt at the Purple Cat Cafe.

The cafe is home to over 30 rescue cats, which visitors can mingle with while they enjoy their refreshments but on Saturday the disturbance in the area scared many of the cats.

“Our cats stay in here 24 hours, they stay downstairs at night time but they come upstairs in the morning and while they were up we had Celtic fans banging on the windows,” said supervisor Shiloh MacDonald.

She continued: “They’re used to loud noises being next to the Royal Infirmary but they’re not used to fireworks and flares going off.

Many customers cancelled their visits because of the football fans.

“We had sessions to run with customers but it is quite disruptive to the session when people are just trying to have a nice relaxing day with the cats and a coffee and there’s a rowdy party going on outside.”

Over the coming months the cats will have to put up with the disruption of hate marches from the Orange Order approved and licenced by Glasgow City Council.

Recently plans for a hate march in Stonehaven were thrown out by Aberdeenshire Council. The target of the hate is Catholics and Catholic Churches, an issue that BBC Scotland steer well clear of.

Despite police horses and officers in riot gear being deployed to Geoege Square in March and May 2021 the BBC refused to send any camera crews to cover he carnage while the rest of Scotland complied with Tier 4 Lockdown conditions.

CLICK HERE for two faced Keevins makes remarkable Rodgers u-turn

CLICK HERE for Santa Ponsa celebrates Celtic’s victory in the Glasgow Derby.

CLICK HERE for SPFL Premiership table.

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