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‘I’m cringing for him’ ‘That boy needs help’ ‘an utter embarrassment!’ The worst ever Cantwell video

Just what it was that he saw coming back from Todd Cantwell when he looked him in the eyes Micky Beale has never revealed.

A month into the job the Brains Behind Gerrard was in his pomp as he explained his recruitment strategy to the fawning Scottish media, delighted to have someone so gobby in the manager’s chair at Ibrox.

Before anyone was signed Beale had to look into their eyes to make sure that they were made of the right stuff, that they were on his wavelength. Cyriel Dessers, Sam Lammers and Kieran Dowell also passed the eye test!

During the 22/23 season Cantwell started nine Championship matches for Norwich, manager Dean Smith has seen straight through the C-list celebrity with players such as Kenny McLean playing regularly in a midfield ;.

Five years on from his Norwich debut there wasn’t the slightest interest in Cantwell from English clubs, he was the definition of damaged goods. Someone with a far higher opinion of his ability than anyone else.

And in stepped Beale, someone else not short of confidence in his limited managerial ability fanned by the claim that originated from Celtic fans that he was the Brains Behind Gerrard.

In truth the former Liverpool u-5’s coach put out the bibs and cones at Murray Park as Gerrard and Gary McAllister got on with the serious business of taking training sessions.

In short the two lost causes that are Beale and Cantwell were made for each other, neglected and misunderstood soul mates.

From his arrival in Glasgow Cantwell has played to two galleries, now they seem almost united in viewing TikTok as a complete embarrassment, someone wholly unsuited for the city environment.

After being indulged by Beale the first shock to his system came at Hampden in the final of the League Cup last February. Faced with Lucky Ange Postecoglou, Beale’s mask slipped as he named Cantwell and Nicky Raskin as substitutes, a decision that the manager never recovered from. The myth of Cantwell grew from that day.

Great promises were made about what would happen next time, Cantwell and Raskin were set to boss it but defeats in the SPFL and Scottish Cup during April meant that the season would end trophyless.

With Beale gone and Phil Clement clearly not a fan social media is making up for the lack of appreciation that Cantwell gets on the football pitch.

Recently we’ve had ‘the bird can’t fly in a cage’ and the quickly deleted Shushburger.

It is hard to see where the former Norwich starlet fits in with the Clement Revolution which should lead to even more cringeworthy social media content with even less chance of another manager deciding that the misunderstood genius is the guy that he wants to build his team around.

At the age of 26 it seems that time is running out on TikTok.

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