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The incredible John Beaton statistics from Ibrox

Once again John Beaton was the key figure in denying Celtic three priceless SPFL points.

Last month at Tynecastle he prompted Don Robertson to send off Yang Hyun-jun after 15 minutes then conjured up a handball that no one involved in the match as a player, coach, manager or pundit could justify. The penalty was scored with Celtic’s 10 men losing 2-0.

After that match Brendan Rodgers described the VAR official as incompetent, after being served with a Notice of Complaint by the SFA Brendan Rodgers was given a one match touchline ban.

He returned to the dug-out today to witness a masterclass in levelling up from Beaton as well as the decisive decision of the match to award a penalty against Celtic in the 52nd minute when the home side were trailing 2-0 and being booed by their loyal support.

Fabio Silva had been diving since the early stages of the match, rolling around a number of times before quickly returning to action with no ill effect.

With a perfect view of a dive in the penalty box Beaton booked the on loan Wolves flop then changed his mind after being prompted to a VAR check by Nick Walsh. The yellow card was rescinded with Tavpen adding to his record breaking goal tally.

John Beaton

Less dramatically Beaton was working his influence on the match wih free kicks and yellow cards. Challenges from Celtic players almost always resulted in free kicks while their opponents had licence to do as they please by putting the boot in.

Assuming that the ball was in play for 60 minutes, with 54% possession the home side were on the ball for 32 minutes and 24 seconds. Every one minute and 20 seconds a foul was given against a Celtic player.

In contrast Celtic had possession for 27 minutes and 34 seconds and being fouled just 10 times. Getting a free kick every 2 minutes and 45 seconds, half the rate that the home side were being awarded free kicks.

Celtic players picked up bookings in the 20th, 40th, 42nd and 71st minutes putting them on thin ice for another erratic card from the Bellshill based whistler.

After scoring what he believed to be a 54th minute equaliser Cyriel Dessers ran into the home support but avoided a booking, in December Paulo Bernardo was booked for a similar celebration.

At the Celtic AGM in November Michael Nicholson was questioned about decisions taken in a match by Beaton, presumably he thought today’s decision making was equally hilarious.

CLICK HERE for BBC Scotland match report, analysis and statistics

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