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Staunch Ferguson takes Record readers back into the trenches

For the second week running Barry Ferguson has been taking Daily Record readers onto a trip into the trenches.

The military background of the former Alloa Athletic boss has never been established but it seems that a big dod of staunchness is required to get the battle fever going for Record readers before a match against Celtic.

Every time the Record serves up the same old recipe as True Blue Barry (apart from walking away to Blackburn then Birmingham) takes readers deep into his mindset, reminding them that he is the most die-hard of bears around.

In Ferguson’s mind everything revolves around beating Celtic, no other game really matters but he never quite explains why this fixture means so much.

The former Kelty Hearts boss might not have the highest IQ but unlike Ally McCoist he hasn’t promised to commit Hate Crimes on Sunday.

When 48,000 others are singing and chanting their anthems of hate against the Irish and Catholics, Record readers will have to make their own mind up on what Ferguson will be doing.

Dusting down a familiar theme Ferguson tells Record readers:

I’ll be there and I’m getting nervous and twitchy right now just thinking about it. I’ll be up and down to my seat for half an hour before kick-off, getting all agitated and nervous but also bursting with excitement.

My own time may have come and gone but when this fixture comes around – and especially one like this with so much riding on it – all the old memories come flooding back. I see myself getting off that bus, hearing the buzz outside the stadium and feeling that knot tighten inside my stomach.

I get flashbacks to going out for my warm up, looking at the fans in their eyes and plugging into their raw emotion – then going back into the dressing room, taping up my socks, tying the laces on my boots and pulling that shirt over my head.

Are you guys f****** ready for this? Good, let’s go out there and f****** do it!’ I look at some of the players inside Clement’s dressing room and I see players who I’d have been more than happy to stand beside in the trenches at a moment like that.

Funnily enough Ferguson was in the trenches against last week or he had a different ghost writer at the Record who missed last week’s classic:

Lundstram is one of those guys who thrives on the pressure and the responsibility of representing the club. And now that this campaign is coming down to the nitty gritty, I fully expect him to lead the charge from the front.

Big clubs demand big players with big character. And, when everything is about to go on the line, it’s guys like Lundstram you want standing beside you in the trenches.

Sadly for Fergie, on Sunday he will be in a hospitality seat rather than sharing a trench with Lundstram or any of the rest of Philippe Clement’s squad.

The match will actually be decided on a football pitch with Celtic up against the home side and the consistently incompetent John Beaton.

It seems that despite his military fantasises Ferguson just couldn’t crack it in football management despite having Boab Malcolm as his loyal assistant.

In charge of Clyde for 120 matches he had a record of Won 46, Drew 23 and Lost 51, with Alloa for just 34 matches they Won 10, Drew 8 and Lost 16.

CLICK HERE for Ferguson’s record in management.

CLICK HERE for MP Brendan O’Hara showing his colours on Sky News.

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