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‘Pompous’ ‘condescending’ ‘holier than thou’ Daily Record go into mentdown over ‘ragin’ Simon Jordan

When Simon Jordan delivers some home truths about their favourite club the Daily Record has two options to take.

On a Thursday morning with little happening elsewhere the Sports Desk at the Record are guaranteed to be tuned into Jim White on TalkSPORT to scrape out a story for their struggling website.

With Jordan effectively trashing the dogma of the Record that Dundee and Dens Park is the root of all evil the options were to ignore or trash him.

As print sales race below 50,000 per day every click is a prisoner for the Record with Jordan demonised as Ragin when he simply stated some facts and drew the same conclusions as anyone else outside of the Ibrox media bubble.

Jordan said:

This is a club that can’t get its act together to let fans in against their biggest rivals. They are probably breaching SPFL rules themselves by not allowing away fans for their biggest rivals. So there’s an irony behind that, I’m not sure why Rangers have felt the need to go so robust. They may be playing to the gallery of their fans but it’s a bit ridiculous and hypocritical.

I don’t know why they’re being holier-than-thou. It sounds remarkably pompous and condescending. They don’t have their own house in order. If you’re going to stand there and start preaching to people, even if you’ve got validity in what you’re saying, when you’re pointing at other people, four fingers point back at you. Because Rangers don’t cover themselves in glory. They could have played this game last week but it didn’t suit them.

I like Rangers and I want them to win the league. But I don’t understand why they had to be so vitriolic. They are standing on the mountain looking down on everybody else as if they are someone really meaningful.

While Jordan raises the issue of April 3 the Record will discuss anything but the elephant in the room which might challenge the thought process of their ageing army of readers.

For generations postponed matches have been rescheduled for the first available date.

The Scottish football authorities have a long track record of pandering to the demands of clubs from Ibrox, most famously in season 2007/08 when the final round of fixtures was put back to a Thursday night leaving five clubs with 12 days to fill between matches 37 and 38 to accommodate Walter Smith’s European failures.

That incident is one of many that has been rewritten down the years to feed the paranoia of Ibrox fans with the classic coming in 2012 with the Survival Lie pushed at every opportunity despite a front page death notice.

Those decisions have ensured that print sales of the Record have declined at a far faster rate than other publications, with the same ethos on their digital content, appealing to a very small demographic there seems little prospect of the digital Record outlasting the print version by more than a year or two.

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