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‘Absolutely spineless’ ‘Back of the Bus FC’ ‘Gutless once more’ Celtic fans switch anger from SFA to the Boardroom

With their trademark disappointed statement Celtic hoped to wrap up that awkward little incident at the start of the month against Hearts at Tynecastle.

Prompted by the notorious John Beaton on VAR duty, Don Robertson made two match turning decisions that contributed greatly to Celtic losing to Hearts and missing out on going to the top of the SPFL Premiership with nine matches left to play.

Afterwards Brendan Rodgers used the word incompetent in various media interviews, that landed him a Notice of Complaint.

Five days after the match Rodgers was standing his ground as he faced the media, sadly there was no comment from either Michael Nicholson or Peter Lawwell, they failed even to leak their anger at the performances of Beaton to their network of media messengers.

Instead some fan media outlets were fed the line that Celtic were getting ‘all lawyered up’ for Rodgers’ Hampden appearance, there was suggestions of a Desmond Dossier and a bulldozer being readied to blast away at the Old Boy Refereeing Network.

Crawford Allan’s resignation was viewed as the outcome of Celtic’s pressure being exerted, others feared the damage that could be done with Allan remaining in control until the end of the season before he joins former colleagues on the After Dinner circuit.

Those worries were confirmed on Tuesday when Robertson was announced as the referee for Sunday’s match away to Livingston- his first match since teaming up with Beaton at Tynecastle.

On Wednesday the Daily Record were gifted the news that Nick de Marco was representing Rodgers at Hampden, apparently the Lionel Messi of Sports Law. That report also carried the claim that Celtic were surprised at Robertson’s appointment at Livingston, surprised but accepting.

Any expectations of Celtic finally questioning the goings on at the SFA were ended by the clearly disappointed statement, the reaction from fans was 90% hostile with only a few claiming that the club had won the case and laid down a marker on the SFA.

On Tuesday the SFA will announce the match officials for the April 7 Glasgow Derby, with Allan calling the shots it is 50-50 whether Beaton will be watching from the Crown Bar or centre stage at Ibrox taking charge of the fixture he craves.

A disappointed statement from Celtic following that match probably won’t wash with many supporters with the Season Ticket renewal campaign about to be launched.

CLICK HERE for Celtic refuse tickets to Ibrox.

CLICK HERE for Celtic statement on Rodgers suspension.

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