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Green Brigade statement in full as they react to allegations from nameless ‘club sources’

The Green Brigade has released a 449 word statement replying to a number of allegations made about their behaviour and actions.

Celtic have yet to say anything on the record about the decision to suspend Season Tickets for 200 fans but had blanket media coverage last night as they listed six reasons for the actions.

It seems that there was virtually no evidence to back up most of the claims with The Herald and Glasgow Times applying top spin to suggest that Glasgow City Council were considering whether to close ‘Parkhead’.

Incidents as recently as Saturday at Easter Road seem to have been solely the fault of The Green Brigade who issued their response late this afternoon on Twitter rather than whispering claims to friendly outlets.


The Green Brigade Statement

In recent weeks, Celtic supporters have proudly stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people, while the PLC board adopt a position closer to the far-right British Government, with similar attempts to censor and sanction Palestinian solidarity.

As the death toll in Gaza nears 10,000 including almost 4,000 children, the PLC board have shamed Celtic Football Club with their conduct.

It is undeniable that the sanctions imposed against those affiliated with the Green Brigade are a result of the group’s unapologetic solidarity with Palestine.

The sanctions applied, most notably collective bans, are evidently unfair, bereft of policy, process and communications with individuals wrongfully being punished before receiving any allegation, any evidence nor any right of defence.

While we expect any fair minded person will see through the flimsy litany of allegations (shamefully attempting to use fan media and national press to do bidding on their behalf) there are some we would like to address.

As an ultras group, known for boisterous support and creativity, we occasionally breach the assorted regulations which are in place to sterilise football stadiums

Whether it be an anti-fascist banner against Lazio or Palestine flags against Atletico Madrid, we have no regrets in by-passing stadium security checks to produce displays which are clearly welcomed by the Celtic support as well as audience from much farther afield.

We categorically deny sinister and defamatory allegations of braking in and intimidating threatening and abusive behaviour towards staff.

It is laughable that unsafe behaviour is being alleged of the Green Brigade at Saturday’s match at Hibs, given Celtic officials were complicit in the widely criticised security operation on the approach to the stadium which compromised the safety of our supporters.

From erecting steel pens around the standing section which were later removed in interest of supporter safety, to actively encouraging pyrotechnic use at specific fixtures as a means of protests at certain domestic kick off times, senior Celtic officials have repeatedly discredit their authority in this area.

In the meantime, the club have instructed us not to liaise with the Supporters Liaison Officer, ironically against UEFA’S SOL guidance.

While fans remain unjustifiably banned, with hundreds hugely out of pocket for the upcoming trip to Madrid, and while the PLC board is shamefully positioned on the wrong side of history, we encourage all concerned to voice your displeasure to those within the club who are responsible for these decisions and sanctions.

Finally we are heartened by the overwhelming messages of support from other Celtic fans, fan groups and fan media as well as from people around the world who are following this story.

While we may be absent from matches, we encourage all fans everywhere to fly the flag for Palestine.

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