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‘Winning mentality’ ‘a heavy club to carry’ ‘only the strongest survive’ Kevin Thomson’s sober demands for Beale’s successor

After his bungling and unscheduled home call from Sky Sports News on Sunday night Kevin Thomson was looking more like his usual self yesterday on STV.

Micky Beale’s sacking has put the army of former Ibrox stars on stand-by for predictable media sound-bites.

Apart from Sunday’s blemish on SSN Thomson is about as dull and predictable as it gets with his trademark monotone delivery. It seems that after 64 SPL matches over three years with the old club Thommo is now a go-to guy for deep and meaningful proclamations.

There is one message that all Ibrox linked pundits have to get across and that is that they are discussing a massive club with a tradition of winning.

A look at James Tavernier’s trophy cabinet knocks that notion on the head straight away.

With Celtic dominating Scottish football there seems to be a built in counter-action from around Ibrox that is completely at odds with reality.

There is no culture of winning around the Tribute Act or the club that went into liquidation in 2012.

Since the turn of the century they’ve had one three year stint as champions of Scotland, other than that both clubs have won the occasional title then failed to follow it up, losing to Celtic every single time.

Dave Murray sent the old club towards administration and liquidation, it seems that his dogma is doing more lasting damage with the delusions that are currently being put forward that we are discussing a Real Madrid like club that routinely scoops up trophies.

That delusion has chewed up Giovanni van Bronckhorst and Micky Beale in the last 12 months, if the next guy lasts more than a year it will be a success story.

There is a certain edge and mentality that you need at a club like Rangers, it is unique.

I think that you have to have a winning mentality, I think that you have to know the demands and the expectation that comes along with that and its a heavy club to carry.

Whether people like that or they don’t, it is. And I think that only the strongest survive and if you’ve not got the right mindset and you’ve not got the right characteristics to handle that pressure then you crumble like a lot of others.

Thomson has been out of management since quitting at Kelty Hearts in May 2022, St Johnstone don’t come out with this narrative every time they change manager.

When you lose out to Alex Rae as a caretaker it is time to assess what direction your career is going in.

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