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We’re certainly the second best in Scotland- tragic bears wake up to reality after the Denial Decade

There are a couple of signs that some bears are starting to grasp the realities of football in 2023.

The spirit of denial that eagerly accepted the Survival Lie is giving way to cold hard reality as they realise that they have been fleeced of money chasing an impossible dream.

On a level playing field only honest mistakes make Scottish football competitive, their club has been shorn of other advantages such as the generosity of the Bank of Scotland or deploying disguised remuneration schemes to attract players that they couldn’t afford on the terms that competitors worked under.

Ironically the new management team of Steve Davis, Alex Rae and Steven Smith all took advantage of the scam that was ruled unlawful in July 2017 by the Supreme Court.

Based on income generated from supporters Celtic are Scotland’s biggest club by some distance, a factor that has been in play for over 20 years. Only some inspired executive management from Ibrox over a sustained period can redress that issue, on all known evidence that isn’t likely from the John Bennett and James Bisgrove combo.

Fired up by a sense of injustice and reaching the top flight to right various wrongs and take out their enemies the fans piled in to make Kevin Kyle, Fran Sandaza, Ian Black, Jon Daly, David Templeton and others richer than they could have dreamt of.

In the top flight Joey Barton, Nicky Kranjcar, Carlos Pena, Eduardo Herrera, Jordan Rossiter and Filip Helander have taken incredible sums out of the club with fans left to celebrate one public trophy win as the Banter Years roll on relentlessly.

Increasingly there is talk of two trophies in a decade while across the city Celtic rack up the trebles.

Unless there is major change Celtic will overtake the combined trophy haul of both Ibrox clubs within a season or two which might just prove to be the tipping point for bears such as Amo Big Baws.

The drive for revenge over their enemies was strong but watching second rate players being captained to failure by James Tavernier is forcing some to question how their club is being run.

A fake title win and ‘the55’ doesn’t insulate them from days like Saturday when Aberdeen run out comfortable winners at the end of a month where a Celtic defence of Ralston, Scales, Lagerbielke and Bernabei celebrated in front of home fans only at the final whistle.

If the bears are starting to ask questions, assess the football that they are watching and how much they are paying to be second best there are troubled times ahead for Bennett and Bisgrove.

It looks like the Continuity Lie could be about to be challenged, it seems that some bears will be looking for more than ‘Going for 56’ and ‘world’s most successful club’ as answers.

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  • by Robert Jenkins
    Posted October 3, 2023 8:31 am 0Likes

    That guys comments are the most sensible thing said by a Hun in decades.

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