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Videos- Thousands of Celtic fans invade Rotterdam as they warm up for Feyenoord

Thousands of Celtic fans are in Rotterdam today with 2,400 lucky enough to have tickets for tonight’s Champions League tie.

Twenty-two years ago the Champions League trips started with the novelty of three guaranteed matches through the autumn, for younger fans it will seem strange that prior to Juventus in Turin European competition could consist of just one or two rounds.

Last year’s visit to the Bernabeu completed the list of the major European grounds covered by Celtic this century with multiple trips to the Nou Camp and San Siro ticked off.

Strangely, despite their regular involvement in European competitions, tonight’s match is the first competitive clash between Feyenoord and Celtic since the 1970 European Cup in Milan which the Dutch side won in extra-time.

Celtic have been to the Amsterdam/ Johan Cruyff Arena twice in recent times, in 2001 for a memorable qualifier and in a 2013 group stage match, two years later they were playing each other in the Europa League.

The Feyenoord links are strong with Celtic pinching the legend-to-be in Henrik Larsson for just £650,000 in 1997. That same year Regi Blinker arrived via Sheffield Wednesday with Bobby Petta, Pierre van Hooijdonk, Glenn Loovens and Evander Sno among those that have played for both sides.

While the fans enjoy the trip it is strictly business for Brendan Rodgers as he tries to stretch his resources for the six match challenge opening up tonight.

Central defence is the big issue with a decision to be taken over whether Nat Phillips is fit and able to play or whether to go with the Ibrox pairing of Gus Lagerbielke and Liam Scales. Whoever is selected has a story to tell as they make their Champions League debut for Celtic.

Joe Hart has blanked out the online panic to sign a new goalkeeper to put together an impressive run of form that has managed, touching wood, to cut out the one heart-stopping moment per game when he takes a risk that causes panic among supporters.

Last season’s Champions League provided thrills and what-if moments but failed to deliver a win, none of last season’s goal scorers are available to Rodgers but the big hope is that Kyogo Furuhashi can transfer his domestic form to the European stage.

If Scotland’s leading scorer can find the net the travelling support might have something to celebrate rather than just hazy memories of Rotterdam.


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