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Why Celtic fans don’t want to go back to the Bad Old Derby Days

It all kicked off, again, on Thursday afternoon with a leak to The Sun that Celtic had turned down the offer of 708 unsafe tickets for Ibrox on September 3.

The media attacks were off and running as they lapped up their favourite recipe of an O**F*** rammy.

Olive branches have been a theme of recent coverage, new Ibrox CEO James Bisgrove being painted in a diplomatic light as the peacemaker, the man to save and revive the putrid Glasgow encounter.

If only he spent as much time controlling his customers and installing appropriate safety features as he does cultivating his own image.

The smooth talking Londoner is the man that brought SportemonGo and various other sponsors to the Castore kit amid a blizzard of chat about engaged stakeholders and exciting digital partnerships.

Bisgrove was also the Ibrox driving force behind the Sydney Super Cup, no doubt motivated by a healthy slice of commission.

It is hard to believe but the mentality in the boardroom of the Tribute Act is even more detestable than that of the old club that died in 2012. At least Dave Murray kept the rapid element at arms length, Bisgrove and Bennet call them media partners and focus groups.

Having enjoyed five trebles in eight years years going to Ibrox is no longer a great show of defiance for Celtic fans, they prefer their trophy days at Celtic Park and Hampden.

Getting 7,000 tickets again for the Broomloan Road Stand would be nice but the reduced away allocations is another indicator of Celtic’s superiority. Four successive wins at Ibrox broke them!

They managed to salvage two draws at Celtic Park during Brendan Rodgers’ first stint in charge but watching  2-1, 5-1, 2-0 and 3-2 defeats while a party is being staged inside The Old Lady was a step too far for bears that had managed to convince themselves that their own club had been helpless to stop the Grand Conspiracy of 2012.

Despite trying everything to recreate an O**F*** rivalry the pettiness of the Tribute Act killed the most visible evidence of that with two sets of fans baying their hatred at each other just yards apart.

Celtic fans have found a very satisfactory alternative to that toxic duel with 100% home fans in for their Derby fixture.

The first run of it in February 2022 will never be forgotten. The build up in terms of results was perfect, the six point deficit Ange Postecoglou’s side had started the new year with could be overhauled by the full time whistle.

Rarely has Celtic Park been so united, the passion and emotion was greater than you’d find on a European night- the opponents were spooked as they came out the runnel without even a tiny corner of fans spilling out their hatred and poison.

When the lights went out Tav and his pals seemed utterly terrified. The Disco Lights focussed on the huddle with 11 lions emerging. The next 45 minutes are already in folklore, never to be forgotten.

As the media creates a controversy and war of words that deliberately misses the main points and the source of the problem Celtic fans are relaxed about missing out on Ibrox in a fortnight’s time.

Fashions and trends change, the world has moved on since Dave King caved in to fan pressure, whatever the problems are they certainly aren’t Celtic’s.

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  • by Terry Munro
    Posted August 19, 2023 3:10 pm 0Likes

    The atmosphere at the 3-0 game was incredible but if the fixture is to continue to retain its reputation in world football, then there needs to be a significent allocation given to away fans.
    I realise that Rangers started this but in the current social-media led world filled with so much hatred, its up to both boards to look ahead, rise above this and lead their clubs without pandering to the exremeists. There is little evidence this will be done

    Editor: No sane board of drectors would want any asociation with the toxic mob at Ibrox, Nicholson showed his lack of minerals pushing the Sydney Super Cup, let this poinsonous fixture die off just like the club that went pop in 2012.

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