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Rattled Kenny Miller pulls the handbrake on the Micky Beale REVOLUTION!

Less than a week into the new season and Kenny Miller is already wavering over the Micky Beale Revolution.

As the new signings piled up there wasn’t a word of caution from the former Scotland striker as he anticipated a clean sweep of honours towards the Blue Room.

After snapping up some free agents Beale stepped things up when he secured three strikers that were relegated last season.

Sam Lammers and Cyriel Dessers came in from Italy for combined fees of £8m and appropriate wages while former Stoke City and Angers misfit Abdallah Sima hitched up for a season on loan.

To round off the first stage of the Revolution £6m Brazilian ace Danilo was signed from Feyenoord quickly followed by Jose Cifuentes from Los Angeles FC.

It seemed like a matter of how many when Beale’s All Stars rolled into Kilmarnock with Miller rubbing his hands with excitement in the Sky Sports commentary box at Rugby Park.

All of the close season glory came to a halt at Kilmarnock as a 1-0 win for the Ayrshire side exposed Beale’s misfits as having a lack of purpose, pace and width. Most worryingly for the watching bears they didn’t seem interested in battling for a victory. Shrugging their shoulders as they faced defeat in the same manner as James Disappointed Tavernier.

Miller has been on Sky Sports, Go Radio and Radio Scotland this week, picking up on today’s appearance on TalkSPORT the Daily Record reports the former Huddersfield No 2 saying:

Rangers need to take maximum points now before that Celtic game. It gives Celtic a chance if they come to Ibrox and win that game, assuming they have won the games before, they already have a six-point gap. This Celtic team, and Rangers over the last couple of season to be honest, aren’t a team that drop a lot of points.

So as much as anything is decided at this early stage, it would give Rangers a real uphill struggle if that kind of run of results came to fruition. It is not a good start, there’s been a lot of excitement surrounding the recruitment drive by Michael Beale over the summer.

So to start with that manner of result at Kilmarnock was not a good start. It looked as if it was going to be a lot easier against Servette, they were outstanding for that opening 15-20 minutes but it ended on a negative note, you could sense the frustrations of the fans as with the start of the game, the fans would have expected a more convincing to take to Switzerland.

It’s early days in the Michael Beale revolution. This team needs time to gel and game time to get up to speed. When you have this summer transfer window and you are an individual surrounded by speculation, it can disrupt your preparations for the season and it looks that way at the moment. Rangers fans need to be patient with Michael Beale and his team at the moment.

If time and patience were things at Ibrox Giovanni van Bronckhorst would still be in a job with Beale sharing his training ground brilliance with the players at QPR.

Last night’s 2-1 win over Servette was a marginal improvement on the showing at Kilmarnock but highlighted the same concerns about the failings of the new signings mixed in with the serial losers who have been watched Celtic pile up the trophies.

After spending the guts of £14m on strikers to replace Alfredo Morelos and Antonio Colak the pressure is piling onto Beale and summer Galacticos.

Any more slip ups this month and Miller will have to complete his u-turn as he faces upto another failed Ibrox Revolution coupled with more trophy parties at Celtic Park.

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