On Tuesday February 25 the Record didn’t publish a single word about the fakeover, Jackson has gone off on holiday with his colleagues quietly trying to forget all about last week’s drama as reality dawns.
Billy Dodds, another respected Sportsound voice, is a part of the temporary regime too. Like McCann, he’s been outspoken on where Rangers have been going wrong under Clement. Of the four coaches, he has had the most success by far.
Celtic fans paid £34 to watch Saturday’s match, behind the goal they celebrated Maeda’s equaliser, two minutes later the ‘goal’ was disallowed with only Alan Muir knowing the reason why.
Two and a half years into the journey McCoist bailed out, taking a year on gardening leave as the debts piled up with no legacy in terms of young players emerging away from the pressure of playing in the top flight.
Chris Jack of the Rangers Review has reported that Philippe Clement has been sacked.At 8pm on Sunday there was no word from the club to confirm the news but there is no reporter closer to the news cycle out of Ibrox than Jack who covers the 2012 Tribute Act for…
Been following Rangers since 1986, i remember my first visit to Ibrox like it was yesterday as an 8 year old boy. NEVER since then have I felt as disappointed and disgusted as I do now.
It’s understood he is now part of a consortium – including at least one other high net worth American business mogul – which hopes to restore Rangers to the top of the Scottish game after years spent languishing in the shadow of Old Firm rivals Celtic.
Strangely it took one Herald subscriber to put some comments on one of the multitude of stories launched by that publisher, the questions that a sensible organisation would ask before lending their name to blatant campaigning.