Beale twice brought up the disallowed goal at his media conference this morning but even the Gullible & Deluded could see through his ploy to deflect from his own multiple failings.
I was fully aware of what I was getting myself involved in. I understand Glasgow and how it works. I can’t affect the background noise I’ve just got to get on with my job day in day out. I’m really comfortable.
If Fergie was to discover that Arsenal or Chelsea had been playing ineligible players to deny Manchester United honours he’d be the first to be shouting about the injustices served up.
Last season Irvine was given nine Premiership matches, if he can get through Saturday’s match following the script from Crawford Allan and Andrew Dallas he’ll be climbing the ladder with more regular matches involving Celtic.
Since returning from Japan with the Celtic first team he has had to content himself with matches against sides like Caledonian Braves, Gala Fairydean, Cowdenbeath and Berwick Rangers.