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Mutiny on the cards as Ibrox fan media partners start to turn on their club

Ibrox fan media partners are starting to waken up to the unfolding disaster at their club that they are witnessing at close hand, Heart & Hand in some cases.

After being brought into the tent four years ago criticism from fan media outlets has been virtually neutered as they hold on to Matchday access and invites to media conferences.

One league title in four seasons was won behind closed doors with managers, Chairmen and CEO’s more frequent than trophy days for the true blue messengers.

Patience seems to be wearing thin among fans with that feeling getting passed through to fan media which makes things complicated and compromised.

Follow Follow was discussing the delayed work on the Copland Road Stand long before the June 20 club announcement, on the Heart & Hand podcast David Edgar seems to be rediscovering his old rebellious self.

Back in January 2009 the young tearaway was at the front of the We Deserve Better campaign launched by The Rangers Trust.

Less than a year after reaching the UEFA Cup Final Dave Murray’s media messengers went to town against that campaign, the club continued in its reckless pattern leading to administration and liquidation with most fans and shareholders screaming that ‘naebdy tellt us’.



Heart & Hand, Follow Follow and the Rangers Review have replaced the legacy messengers but after watching the annual revolution of managers and players come up short something more fundamental is failing in front of them- Ibrox.

All of those outlets read the rumours, heard about the slow progress with the Copland Crane and were reassured by the club that all was good and not to worry about the obsessed Celtic fans that have infiltrated message boards.

Then came the June 20 bombshell- a club statement that created far more questions than answers. More than a fortnight later there has been no follow up with a variety of issues going against renting out Hampden or Murrayfield. Bizarrely the most obvious solution, Ibrox with an empty or reduced capacity Copland Road Stand doesn’t appear to be an option.

The stadium announcement was followed later on the same day with news that Connor Barron had been signed from Aberdeen. Many of the Gullible & Deluded could see straight through that tactic.

You can’t dress up Liam Kelly as an exciting new signing while a project forward from Morocco arrives at the age of 21 unable to speak any English.

Clement’s summer signings are a couple of grades below the job lot of projects that Mark Lawwell brought into Celtic a year ago, the August fixture list was demanding enough before Fortress Ibrox was removed from the equation.

The media partners are starting to realise that it is time to raise the red flag with their concerns rather than sit back getting transfer snippets in return for their silence support of a failing regime.

With less than four weeks to go until the start of the SPFL season time is racing away from the club, if fan media partners turn on the men in the Blue Room they’ll have even bigger problems on their hands than trying to hide from Celtic lifting their 119th trophy and chasing down title 55


CLICK HERE for Keevins performs incredible u-turn on Rodgers as he accuses Celtic fans.

CLICK HERE for Ibrox messenger lets slip over December re-opening.

CLICK HERE for Ibrox closure announcement.

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