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MP Brendan O’Hara shows his Parkead colours on Sky News

Brendan O’Hara wasn’t hiding his colours as he appeared on the Politics Hubs show on Sky News with Trevor Phillips.

With Westminster enjoying yet another lengthy holiday the SNP has called for the recall of the House of Parliament to debate the onset of famine in Gaza and the killing of seven Aid workers, murdered by the Israeli Defence Force.

Speaking from what appeared to be the study of his home alongside the usual backdrop of bookcases a large poster/ picture with PARKHEAD could be seen.

O’Hara, the MP for Argyll and Bute has never hidden his support for Celtic, he is a former member of the Glasgow University Supporters Club while his great great grand-father John O’Hara was one of the founders of Celtic.


As the MP for Argyll he has one of the largest constituencies in the UK, while others jet off on holiday as often as possible O’Hara can be found holding surgeries and meetings from Strachur and Dunoon and all of the other outposts that he covers.

Down the years there has been strong links between the House of Parliament and Celtic with former Labour MPs Brian Wilson and John Reid being appointed Directors.

While Reid make an impact as Chairman with some outspoken comments about the governance issues of Scottish football Wilson has virtually sat in silence for 18 years, collecting his salary and claiming expenses.

As a former Labour MP it is difficult to see what influence he has on an SNP/Green government in Holyrood and a Tory government in Westminster.

Later on in his appearance O’Hara moved position to partly cover the PARKHEAD banner, no doubt there will be some adverse comments on social media but a rare outbreak of honesty in politics is to be welcomed.

CLICK HERE for SNP Councillor calls out McCoist’s Hate Crime plan.

CLICK HERE for SNP call for the recall of Parliament.

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