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Watch Kris Boyd’s despairing Celtic Park meltdown in full

Kris Boyd let it all hang out as he tried to analyse his team’s defeat to Celtic in the first Glasgow Derby of the season.

Last season the former Kilmarnock striker hung on to the belief that there was just small margins between the Glasgow sides, lending his support to the view that one transfer window under A Proper Football Manager and Celtic’s domination would be over.

This close season was different however from the last seven, austerity has finally arrived and even the cheerleaders are struggling to get excited by Connor Barron, Clinton Nisala and Liam Kelly.

Successive defeats from Ajax, Manchester United and Birmingham City were followed by a 4-4 draw against Hertha Berlin.

Starting the season with James Tavernier, John Souttar, Tom Lawrence and Scott Wright set off alarm bells with Dinamo Kiev killing off the Champions League lifeline.

Last week’s 6-0 win over Ross County brought fresh delusions for the Gullible as they headed towards Celtic Park- the ground that turned out to be a graveyard for Giovanni van Bronckhorst and Micky Beale.

Today’s match ran entirely to form, Celtic had an edge that their opponents couldn’t get near which happens when you have 11 better players, a better manager and coaching staff.

At half-time Boyd had little to say as Stan Petrov and James McFadden dominated the chat on Sky Sports, when pushed to contribute Boyd struggled to get beyond the word embarrassed.

Celtic barely got out of second gear in the second half otherwise it would have been far more embarrassing and painful for Boyd, once upon a time he lit up Sky Sports News with his smile. Not now.

Neil McCann was first to get the excuses in, using the word we frequently as he ran through the excuses while trying to avoid the blaringly obvious facr that Celtic are miles better in every position with a five point lead after four SPFL matches emphasising that.

Boyd set off digging into a hole that offered no logic or analysis as he let his hurt and anger spill out at the realisation that Celtic are well on their way to becoming champions of Scotland for a 55th time, winning the League Cup before Christmas would take their trophy total past the self declared Most Successful Club In The World.

On and on Boyd went, Eilidh Barbour tried in vain to get some reason out of Boyd as he rambled on and on, Petrov and McFadden struggled to keep a straight face as they took in the full meltdown of Sky’s star Scottish pundit.

Boyd can now lie down in a darkened room for a few days, pretend that he is a Scotland fan before his living hell resumes away to Dundee United on September 14.


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  • by Valentine's day massacre
    Posted September 1, 2024 4:50 pm 0Likes

    You’ll have noticed Ms Barbour and her bosses at Sky Sports lesser Scottish version ,never interrupted or halted big fake Kris Boyd’s eye bulging rants live today …or any other rants on any given days previously about the implosion of his favourite clumpany ? No ,he was given time and space to kick and squeal his hurting and devastating condition when theRangers were hammered 3-0 by a class Celtic side live on the TV from the SS. Here was me thinking that studio analysts for sports TV companies have a moral obligation to be completely impartial ? By all means have your mad rant as a private citizen ,but not while you are in front of the camera in a TV studio . Maybe he is the tacit mouthpiece for Sky Sports and was spouting their frustrations out to the public …I couldn’t say ? The guy is a loser ,no matter how you cut it …now where did I see that also being applied today ?

    • by Editor
      Posted September 1, 2024 5:05 pm 0Likes

      Completely unprofessional, would never get Carragher or Neville acting like that or indulged but absolutely essential viewing. After the victory Boyd’s meltdown on Sy is always a highlight, his smirk seems to have gone awaol.

  • by TicToc
    Posted September 2, 2024 1:46 am 0Likes

    Kris Boyd? What, as a Tim, can you say about him without laughing? Is he genuine? Ha-fukkin-ha-ha.
    He openly adores Sevco as he did Rangers but doesn’t admit it’s two different clumpanies. Phoney.
    His hair is as genuine as his club/company.
    If he gets the thatch at the front of his head dyed, that’ll be version 3.
    But, it’s still the same hair!
    Aye, okay pal!

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