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Tav came off the bus and told fans they were a disgrace- Angry fan calls out Hall of Famer

James Tav Tavernier has been accused of telling angry bears that they were a disgrace for criticising players following the 3-0 defeat to Celtic.

Around 60 fans gathered outside of Ibrox waiting for the team to return from their latest humiliation against their so-called city rivals.

As the players came off the bus there were shouts and jeers but the main incidents came later on when the players tried to get out a side door, close to the iconic statues of John Greig and Walter Smith.

A video clip on one fan calling out Tavernier as a f***ing disgrace and loser went viral, while other players looked the other way Captain Disappointed gave some back with two security men ensuring that the incident didn’t become physical.

There is no further footage of the incident but the first caller to Super Scoreboard provided added detail of how the incident developed.

David in Ardrossan (first caller 11 minutes in) was asked how the defeat left him feeling:

It was terrible, terrible. I went up to Ibrox efter the game in, just to see the players, ah wanted something, a reaction from them in ah went up there to shout at the gaffer em ‘This isnae Rangers’ and ‘this is a disgrace’.

He was just saying to us that we need time and patience, ah was like you’ve had all the time in the world and Tavanier came out the bus and he actually shouted to us ‘You are a disgrace, you’re supposed to be supporting us’ and that just kicked off everything. I ripped up my Season Ticket in front of him, it kind of, well, it could have got out of hand but that’s what Tavanier said, we were a disgrace.

Chirpy host Gordon Duncan came in with the hilarious quip of ‘How do you rip up your Season Ticket, I thought that it was a wee card these days’. Neatly side-stepping the reaction of Tav to the bears that have given him a very comfortable lifestyle over the last nine years.

“Absolutely embarrassing, f***ing embarrassing, where the F*** is the captain,” enquired one bear as the losers sheepishly made their way out of Ibrox.

Captain Disappointed wasn’t far away and wasn’t prepared to let the anger pass him by like Maeda running in to score a few hours earlier.

Coming out alongside two team mates Tav responded to the fan who quickly backed off while repeatedly saying ‘F*** Off’.

‘You’re nothing but a f***ing embarrassment, you’re nothing but a f***ing loser mate’ was heard with two burly security men keeping the players away from the angry bear.


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