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‘Nothing but a f***ing loser, an embarrassment’- Watch Tavernier clash with angry fan outside Ibrox

James Tavernier was involved in an angry clash with a loyal bear outside Ibrox after another disappointing defeat at Celtic Park.

The Hall of Famer ducked out of post match media uties after today’s defeat but there was no escaping the anger of one fan who waited outside Ibrox for the serial losers to emerge before heading off on holiday with no fixtures next weekend.

Borna Barisic, John Lundstram, Connor Goldson and Todd Cantwell all escaped their living hell during the summer but it was business as usual for Tavpen as he suffered another humiliation at Celtic Park with Daizen Maeda tormenting the former Wigan ace.

After getting away from the sneering sarcasm of Celtic fans in the east end of the city the mood turned uglier than Ross McCausland when the players returned to Ibrox in mid-afternoon.

Pre-match the players were given a heroes send off but on their return there was nothing but abuse for the players- mirroring the online reaction to Celtic striding towards #title55.

“Absolutely embarrassing, f***ing embarrassing, where the F*** is the captain,” enquired one bear as the losers sheepishly made their way out of Ibrox.

Captain Disappointed wasn’t far away and wasn’t prepared to let the anger pass him by like Maeda running in to score just past 12.45.

Alongside two other players Tavernier responded to the fan who quickly backed off while repeatedly saying ‘F*** Off’.

‘You’re nothing but a f***ing embarrassment, you’re nothing but a f***ing loser mate’ was heard with two burly security men keeping the players away from the angry bear.

With so much footage on social media it will be difficult for the mainstream to ignore the post match events at Ibrox.

Clement’s losers have a fortnight to stew on today’s defeat and reaction before they face Dundee United at Tannadice hoping for a win to regain third place.

Next July Tavernier is expected to be awarded a Testimonial match against a Tavpen XI featuring many of his illustrious team-mates down the years such as Andy Halliday, Jason Holt, Jordan Jones, Martyn Waghorn, Brandon Barker and Scott Wright with Graeme Murty making an emotional return to Ibrox to take charge of the select side.


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  • by Paul White
    Posted September 1, 2024 10:08 pm 0Likes

    ‘Rangurs’ the scum of Scotland

  • by Indycelt
    Posted September 1, 2024 10:52 pm 0Likes

    Football heritage

  • by UlyssesGunt
    Posted September 2, 2024 12:41 am 0Likes

    Every time I see McCausland I think of the scene from the Departed , when Jack Nicholson is asking about a rat in his organisation .. “ I smell a rat “ scene .

  • by Johnno
    Posted September 2, 2024 1:32 am 0Likes

    Shocking carry on, and not a bouncy from any of the Hun scum eejits to be seen whatsoever?

  • by A Bhoy in Paradise
    Posted September 2, 2024 9:18 pm 0Likes

    The only thing that surprises me about this is, how long it has taken for the majority of alleged loyal bears to realise how crap he is. There’s a reason he is called a serial loser. Maybe they are slowly realising it.

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