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He deserves it- Daily Mail reporter backs the attacks on Ibrox chief

Gary Keown of the Daily Mail has highlighted the failings of John Bennett and given his backing to the online anger directed at the Ibrox chairman.

Right now angry bears are spoiled for choice over who to blame for their current problems with Phil Clement, James Tavernier, Cyriel Dessers and Bennett among the targets for abuse on and off-line.

Six months ago Clement was A Proper Football Manager but after his third successive defeat at Celtic Park he was reduced to telling angry fans outside Ibrox that his side had beaten Ross County 6-0 a week earlier. That didn’t go down well.

Captain Tav was a very direct target when he emerged out of Ibrox after the match and gave some back when he was called out as a serial f***ing loser.

The aftermath has provided plenty of brilliant content with concerned bears popping up on podcasts by the hour to share their grief and concern as their superiority complex is smashed to pieces and thrown in their faces.

This isn’t what was promised in 2015 when Bennett joined forced with Dave King and Douglas Park to sweep into power. The Three Bears were expected to restore ‘the natural order’ but when they celebrate the 10th anniversary of that landmark there will be thin pickings to raise a glass to.

Keown covered the glory days under Dave Murray for the club that died in 2012, like most he has failed to readjust his expectations towards reality with every defeat to Celtic a reminder of how things stand without the use of disguised remuneration schemes and limitless overdrafts from the Bank of Scotland.

Sharing his anger in the Daily Mail, Keown explains:

Chairman John Bennett is already getting the photoshop treatment on social media and having his mugshot stuck behind the big red circle with the line through it.

You know, the same thing reserved for former MD Stewart Robertson and ex-sports director Ross Wilson during the last outbreak of disgruntlement a couple of years back. And, listen, he deserves it. He’s been on the board since 2015 and involved, to some degree, in all manner of awful decisions.

With the club still not sure of a permanent return to Ibrox because of construction work, still without a CEO, out of the Champions League, just done with another mess of a transfer window and waving Celtic off over the horizon while firing one of their fans from a marketing role after finding out he’d been on Twitter posting about ‘Huns’, everything has just come to a head.

That last Old Firm game served as the encapsulation of an unavoidable truth and that’s why there is so much fury with the Ibrox fan base.

Celtic are, once again, miles and miles ahead both on and off the field and it is incredibly difficult to see how that ever changes now. Even the hardest of the hardcore at Rangers can see it. And someone is going to have to get it in the neck.

Bennett has been a real disappointment as chairman. For all the money he has invested — and he has invested plenty — the days of just being thankful to him and others for saving the club post-2012 are over.

Rangers are very much back in the role of bridesmaid thanks to dreadful mismanagement and their fans will be entirely justified in turning their unhappiness into protest given how mercilessly they have been milked by the club down the years.

King seems to have escaped any critical comment despite his role as the biggest shareholder and Chairman from 2015 to 2020.

Yesterday the South African based ‘businessman’ issued a statement to the Rangers Review, hopefully he is looking for a dramatic return to Ibrox backed and supported by the usual fawning media coverage.


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  • by Dando
    Posted September 8, 2024 11:58 am 0Likes

    The tribute act have had two owners in recent history who genuinely would have had them challenging after the initial years of cost cutting…..

    Big Michael & The blues brothers, however Marty Feldman got rid of both, house of cards and all that, eh Dave !!!!


  • by Terence Nova
    Posted September 8, 2024 2:33 pm 0Likes

    How Murray escaped censure for his years of conning football, could only have happened in Scotland…The all seeing Brotherhood casts a wide net…and a dark shadow.

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