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The big Season Ticket take away from Celtic

The announcement that Season Ticket holders will be charged £25 to watch the League Cup tie against Hibs on August 18 didn’t go down well with Celtic supporters.

Pricing for cup ties is agreed between both clubs with Hibs taking a 50% cut of the gate money once expenses for hosting the fixture are deducted.

Clearly Hibs will be looking to maximise income from what could well be their final involvement in the competition but the Celtic board have again missed an opportunity to give something back to their core support, the fans that commit £600 plus before the start of June.

Currently Celtic’s bank balance is probably sitting at around £100m, before the end of the year they will be hosting Champions League ties and will probably end the transfer window in profit with any future spending likely to come from the transfer of Matt O’Riley.

Last season was the first in which Season Tickets covered only 19 SPFL matches, the previous bonus of a friendly or European qualifier on the Season Ticket disappeared alongside the usual 6% increase in prices.

In the Celtic board room it is all justified by supply and demand, if Season Tickets sell out they can increase the cost of it and reduce what it consists of, simple as that.

The idea of a goodwill gesture doesn’t exist on spreadsheets, everything is profit and loss with profit dominating.

Proving Season Ticket holders with the Hibs free of charge was never likely but charging £15 would have cost the club an extra £10 per fan into the pot split with Hibs with 50% of that returning to Celtic.

At a real push 40,000 Celtic fans will attend that cup tie resulting in a £200,000 pay off to Hibs, much much less than the money squandered on a variety of project signings last summer who couldn’t make the bench against Kilmarnock on Sunday.

There are umpteen sums that can be put together to justify a ‘cut price’ ticket for the Hibs match- the next issue will be whether the four match Champions League package is above or below £200 while investment in the first team is choked to boost the Balance Sheet.


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  • by Stevie c
    Posted August 6, 2024 10:35 am 0Likes

    A lower ticket price would have been welcomed by the fans and it would also hit hibs in the pocket for their unfair treatment of our fans with their ticket allocation cuts .

  • by William Melvin
    Posted August 6, 2024 11:16 am 0Likes

    @Stevie C
    THAT was EXACTLY the first thought that came into my head.
    Hibs are as bad as the huns in the way they treat our fans.
    We should show them zero loyalty because they deserve none.
    It’s a thing of the past when the two clubs and their fans felt they had a common cause.
    Missed a chance to fuck them over because it would have meant charging our own fans less !
    Someone in the Celtic boardroom ought to read the fuckin room cos they’re building a huge bonfire and guss who’s going on the top !!!

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