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Despair as Dylan the Bear shares his 21 years of misery and hurt

Dylan the Bear has summed up a lifetime of misery as the new SPFL season kicked off looking very much like the last one, and several before.

As last season came to an and watching Celtic winning their 117th and 118th trophies a Revolution! was promised at Ibrox driven by a Proper Football Manager.

On Saturday the Revolution! turned up at Tynecastle and is called Connor Barron, the only new signing on the team sheet in among the usual cast of serial losers.

James Tavernier still wears the armband and takes every free-kick, corner and throw-in, former Liverpool star Ben Davies draws an incredible wage out of central defence while Tom Lawrence and Scott Wright started he match with their contracts expiring at the end of this season.

There is almost complete agreement among Ibrox fans that Lawrence Shankland is better than Cyriel Dessers, neither scored in yesterday’s SPFL opener at Tynecastle.

There are now real doubts among Ibrox fans that the Belgian Beale is actually any better than the real one who imploded at the start of last season.

Yesterday’s post match reference to missing John Lundstram was another of many bizarre comments from a manager that appears to be way out of his depth after making his name managing competent, organised Belgian clubs.

The delusions of the loyal bears have made managing the Ibrox club almost impossible. Reaching a European final will give you six months grace at best, losing out to Celtic repeatedly means that the job has a 12 month cycle.

Beale lost four times to Celtic before a home defeat to Aberdeen forced the issue after 10 months of madness from the Brains Behind Gerrard.

Clement is sitting on three defeats to the hoops with another clash scheduled four weeks today at the home of the Champions..

Failure to reach the new look Champions League and a gap of three points or more at the top of the Premiership table will make life very difficult for Clement who was on the cusp of a treble at the start of April.

Whenever Dylan is allowed back into Ibrox there is a good chance that Clement will be history with excitement building over the latest Revolution almost certainly led by a True Blue following the doomed reigns of Giovanni van Bronckhorst, Beale and Clement, none of whom really understood the demands of the club.


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