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Reporting the FACTS! and keeping fans informed- Good Girl Lewis denies burying bad news from Ibrox

Jane Lewis is apparently reporting the facts and keeping fans informed!

If that is the case it will be a first from someone inside BBC Scotland which dishes out the money raised from licence payers to talents such as Kenny Macintyre, Alasdair Lamont, Tom English, Neil McCann, Billy Dodds, Steven Thompson and a variety of others that wouldn’t last five minutes in the commercial sector.

An overnight report from the Daily Record that Adam Idah was on his way to joining Celtic spurred Lewis into action, the day after it was widely reported that Kenny McLean had knocked back the chance to join his ‘boyhood’ heroes in order to stay on for at least two more years at Norwich City.

It seems that the story about one of Scotland’s Euro heroes possibly returning to Scotland wasn’t big enough for Good Girl Lewis, either that or she had read the BBC Sport memo to stick to feel good stories involving all matters Ibrox.

There is of course one big story involving Ibrox that the vast resources of BBC Scotland won’t go near and that is the stadium itself which is closed until further notice.

The state broadcaster can send a cast of dozens over to Germany for a fortnight to lap up the magnificent Tartan Army and drool over Billy Gilmour but getting on the record comment from Ibrox is completely beyond the crew at BBC Scotland.

Located a mile or so away at Pacific Quay the BBC have been unable to send a camera crew along Paisley Road, get some clips of the work going on outside and put in a few questions to their friends in the Ibrox PR team?

Whenever the newest members of the SPFL want a feel good puff piece on Jack Butland, Todd Cantwell or Micky Beale the BBC are all over it but with the stadium closed the state broadcaster is on mute in case they face another seven year stand off like in 2015 when Chris McLaughlin reported on loyal bears being ejected for sectarian singing.

It will be a cold day in hell before Celtic fans turn to BBC Scotland for anything truthful involving their club, Scottish football or anything really.

It seems that the art of negotiating is a concept beyond the capabilities of Lewis, billed as a ‘Senior Reporter’ by the organisation that has egg-chaser English as their Chief Sports Writer which effectively means that he writes chin-stroking yarns in the absence on ever uncovering a genuine story in his career.

When two clubs discuss a transfer the buyer goes in low and the seller goes in high, it is part of the game. Norwich and Celtic know that there is an 80% chance that Idah will start the season with the SPFL champions but they’d be crazy to accept the first offer. Both sides know that.

Celtic might be linked with another striker over the next few days, another club will be ‘keeing tabs’ on Idah but the excitement of Celtic being rejected was good enough for Lewis to reach out for the PUBLISH button as she got a kick again after the trauma she had to report on in May which finished with Idah posing with the Scottish Cup while James Tavernier switched from disappointed to devastated.

Norwich City have turned down a Celtic bid for Adam Idah understood to be around £4m to £5m.

The Republic of Ireland forward, 23, spent the second half of last season on loan with the Scottish champions, scoring nine goals in 19 appearances.

He netted the Glasgow club’s last goal of the campaign, the late winner against Rangers in the Scottish Cup final, which sealed a league and cup double.

Norwich told BBC Scotland that they are not actively trying to sell Idah and say new manager Johannes Hoff Thorup is excited to start working with him.

The English Championship club also believe his experience at Celtic could help push him up the pecking order for the season ahead.

Across the city it seems that recruitment has come to a halt with only Connor Barron and Liam Kelly signing up for the Clement Revolution! since news of Ibrox closing was released. True Blue McLean wasn’t interested in the salary put to him, preferring to stick with life in rural Norfolk rather than enjoy a Todd Cantwell reunion on far lesser terms.

As the BBC prepare to hit the road to Hampden, Murrayfield or Broadwood to cover the excitement of the Clement Revolution! Celtic will start their season in Glasgow, at Celtic Park.

Only a complete fool would bet against Idah being in the squad as the 23/24 SPFL flag is unfurled while the champions begin the chase for ‘the 55’ whatever that means.

CLICK HERE for Keevins performs incredible u-turn on Rodgers as he accuses Celtic fans.

CLICK HERE for Ibrox messenger lets slip over December re-opening.

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  • by John Copeland
    Posted July 5, 2024 3:27 am 0Likes

    The good old BBC Scawlin’ sports dept can’t even set up a drone camera to show everyone what’s not going on at the minute and all other times inside the old crumbling stadium of Ibrox . It’s not as if theRangers own the air space in Govanland …that the beeb cannot do it….is it ?

    There is no reason why the state broadcaster cannot do such a simple news valid task for the public’s interest ? Maybe it spent fortunes on sending over an army of scoops and freeloaders to Germany for the Euro’s jolly ,it can’t afford a drone camera ,or to send one apprentice photographer along the road to it’s pet project’s ground ?

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