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ITK reveals that Ibrox will reopen in January with 2,500 Celtic fans

With speculation rife about the state of Ibrox and when it will reopen one In The Know Celtic fan has shared his inside information.

Back in February Remy McSwain was first out the blocks with the news that Mark Lawwell was leaving Celtic, there was a sceptical reaction from some, the mainstream steered well clear of it but on March 1 Celtic confirmed the news.

This morning on Kerrydale Steet Remy had another item of news to pass on, reacting to a WhatsApp rumour that there would be no away fans at the August 31 Glasgow Derby because Celtic couldn’t be given any assurances about the return fixture of January 2.

Safety concerns meant that no Celtic fans have been inside Ibrox for the last three Derby matches, earlier this year the SPFL announced that both clubs had agreed to an allocation of around 5% being given to away supporters, dubbed the European arrangement, in line with UEFA demands.

Work has been going on at Celtic Park to create greater security with the facility for nets to be installed to keep the home fans safe from missiles.

On Thursday a WhatsApp rumour claimed that the away fan arrangement wouldn’t be activated in August because of uncertainty over where the January 2 match will take place but Remy seems to have the information to shoot that down.

Playing at Hampden till December is one thing but with the pitch not due to be available until September 5 there are at least three ‘home’ matches for Phil Clement’s side to play starting on August 10 before the National Stadium is ready. That won’t concern Celtic. Motherwell and Ross County have SPFL matches to play plus one, possibly two Champions League qualifiers to be hosted by Clement.

Where they get played seems up in the air, if the SFA want to make Hampden available for those August fixtures that is their decision but SPFL fixture switches seem unlikely with club’s aware that there is no sympathy from their fans to the self inflicted plight of the Ibrox side.

A medium term let of Hampden would dispel the claim that Ibrox has only been closed due to the late delivery of materials from an Asian supplier. Various theories have been put forward for the delay, it seems far fetched that a delay in supplies to one stand results in a Stadium closure lasting four or five months.

Whatever venue is chosen for ‘home’ matches- Hampden, Murrayfield or wherever, there will be costs involved while matchday income is greatly reduced, the hospitality suites at Ibrox will be closed while New Edmiston House misses out on the pre and post match fanzone.

In the absence of any confirmation from Ibrox the issue of away tickets for the August 31 derby match will give an indication over whether Ibrox will be open on January 2 for the visit of the SPFL champions.

CLICK HERE for Keevins performs incredible u-turn on Rodgers as he accuses Celtic fans.

CLICK HERE for Ibrox messenger lets slip over December re-opening.

CLICK HERE for Ibrox closure announcement.

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