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Herald podcast gets off to disastrous start as Mainstream tries to snatch the digital audience

Mainstream publishers are trying to gate-crash into the digital market with The Herald having a nightmare entry into the world of podcasting.

With Jonny McFarlane as Head of Digital Sport with Newsquest they have three years of experience at the Rangers Review to call on as they attempt to salvage a future with daily print sales now under the critical 10,000 mark.

Absolutely no effort has been made for the presentation with McFarlane joined by Matthew Lindsay and Graeme McGarry to reheat the dry, tired content that has led the crash in print sales.

Even family member would be hard pushed to stick around for a couple of minutes as three non-influencers expose just how out of touch Newsquest is as they chase shadows.


With 11 views from 113 subscribers in four hours it seems that the Herald podcast is going to be a slow burner despite the dynamic hosting of big Jonny after wiping away his Rangers Review tears as a third successive season ended in misery and another rebuild.

This article could double the viewing figures but it will take a few zeros on those figures to justify continuing with the venture.

Working off his own back Hamish Carton has picked up 7,500 subscribers for Celtic AM despite being based in Australia. He knows his target audience, has credibility and delivers with some personality.

A Celtic State of Mind, 20 minute Tims and The Celtic Exchange both provide regular polished podcasts that have grown off their own back, providing engaging content for a clearly defined audience.

Clearly the Herald big hitters are looking down their nose at podcasting, it comes over as three disinterested guys in the press box at a Motherwell v St Mirren match when they wish they were somewhere else.

Some basic editing can cover up for a lack of content but bouncing questions between McFarlane and his two volunteers is a format that isn’t going to engage or grow an audience.

Over at the Daily Record they are going all laddish with Keith Jackson and Scott McDermott providing morning video content from Germany with beers on their breakfast table.

Discussing yesterday’s news sort of sums up the approach of the Record despite the digital opportunity to bring some freshness.

The Scottish Sun has put some effort into their video production, Roger Hannah is hosting from Glasgow with clips from Robert Grieve and Derek McGregor in Germany either side of a brief interview with Gordon Strachan.

The video is embedded on a few webpages but episode one has only attracted 1,200 viewers on You Tube which suggests that it isn’t really reaching out to new audiences with just 259 subscribers.

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CLICK HERE for Santa Ponsa celebrates Celtic’s victory in the Glasgow Derby.

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