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Watch the epic Boyd dive as he accuses Kyogo

In his trademark fashion Kris Boyd called Kyogo Furuhashi out as a diver during Celtic’s 3-0 win over Livingston.

It was par for the course from the former Kilmarnock striker, getting paid to watch football he can’t even fake any level of enthusiasm for a match involving the SPFL champions, being in any way objective is just not an option for big Boydy.

Turning onto a pass from Alistair Johnston near the penalty spot Kyogo was completely wiped out by Mikey Devlin who was arriving too late on the scene.

Contact was made with the striker’s heel, to make sure Devlin followed through with his knee hitting the back of the Kyogo’s thigh to send him to the deck. It was a fall that just couldn’t be simulated.

Don Robertson didn’t want to give Celtic a penalty with the score at 0-0, after the briefest of reviews Alan Muir on VAR went along with that view as play continued.

Only three minutes of stoppage time were added, mainly for the time wasting by the Livingston goalie, after the adverts the Sky Sports pundits debated the penalty claim with highly predictable results.


Sutton: I think Celtic will feel hard done by. I’ve had to look at this numerous times, myself. I am really surprised Don Robertson wasn’t sent over to the monitor to have a look. There is contact, Kyogo gets to the ball first, so I think it is a penalty.

Boyd: So, you had to look at it numerous times, still couldn’t make your mind up, so it’s not clear and obvious. That’s never a penalty, he’s already down before the contact is made. Watch him, already on the way down. He takes his leg and holds his ankle. It’s never been a penalty.

During his playing days Boyd was barely seen outside the penalty box, in and around the six yard box was his domain.

Walter Smith knew his limits, the former Kilmarnock striker was barely seen against Celtic or in European matches but up against Motherwell, St Mirren, St Johnstone and others from that part of the table he was as close to a guarantee for a goal as you are likely to get.

There is no justification for his 2008 dive at Tannadice, it seems that only the competition from Kenny Miller, Neil McCann, Alan Hutton, Kevin Thomson and Billy Dodds is keeping him in place as Sky’s go-to Ibrox expert.

CLICK HERE for the anasked questions about Rodgers’ Hampden appeal.

CLICK HERE for Celtic’s statement on Rodgers’ touchline ban.

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