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SFA and referees double down as Tavernier becames record-breaker with mainstream in denial

Sunday’s match at Livingston added even more strange stats to the dubious nature of Scottish football.

In his fifth SPFL match, Philippe Clement saw his side being awarded their third and fourth penalties of that run.

At the other end of the park it is now 67 matches since a penalty was awarded against the Ibrox club.

To top it all off James Tavernier has overtaken Johnny Hubbard as the top penalty scorer in the history of Scottish football.

Any one of those statistics would be newsworthy, when all three are rolled together it takes us into very difficult territory, the sort of content that BBC Scotland with their saturation won’t be anywhere near commenting on never mind investigating.

Tavpen and Penalty for Rangers have long been iconic on social media, that may need to be amended with two penalties per game becoming the norm. Or one and a spare with Tavernier not hitting the net as regularly as he once did from his favourite distance.

While Tavernier is regularly exposed in defence he does have the reassurance that it is highly unlikely that a penalty will be awarded against his side.

Connor Goldson has personally been pushing that theory as far as possible with a whole range of handballs to test the officials- despite the back up of VAR being in place for 13 months no SPFL penalties have been awarded against the Ibrox side.

With each passing incident the team on Sportscene have been fed a new far fetched explanation for the decision, fortunately Steven Thompson knows what side his bread is buttered on, as do his buddies on the sofa.

It is now closing in on two years since Kevin Clancy pointed to the penalty spot at Pittodrie to kick off a remarkable run of ‘stout defending’ that has been passed on through three managers plus Steve Davis as a caretaker.

Almost every club in the top flight has suffered, with Clement getting off to a winning start the chances are that the penalty differential will continue with no-one inside football prepared to raise their voice.

Crawford Allan isn’t expected to be on Sky Sports explaining the workings of VAR and his officials any time soon with the mainstream spotlight switching firmly to Steve Clarke and the SFA’s football team.

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  • by Leon
    Posted November 13, 2023 10:04 pm 0Likes

    Sevco have now received 90 penalties in less than 6 years since Tavernier took his first Sevco penalty.Sevco have had a further 17 penalties in that time that Tavernier never took.

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