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‘Revolting Tory’ ‘Freeloader’ ‘Superfan my arse’ Celtic fans return fire on Rod Stewart

Demonstrating the contempt of his boardroom buddies Rod Stewart flicked the middle finger at his critics from the Green Brigade before Celtic’s 1-1 draw with Motherwell.

Back in 1995 the Londoner opened the North Stand when Celtic played a friendly against Newcastle United on their return from a season in exile at Hampden Park. In payment the singer was given a Directors Box seat for life.

Tears in 2012 when Neil Lennon’s side beat Barcelona went viral, in recent times the relationship between Stewart and the Celtic support has become more strained.

Congratulating Boris Johnston’s election victory and a full on attack on the poorest in society was somewhat at odds with the ethos of the club although the PLC like to brand themselves as a club open to all.

Over the last few years Rod has added Grace to his playlist, if he has ever read through the words and thought a little about it he might understand why it has been adopted as an anthem by the Celtic support.

Not everything in Britannia’s history is as glowing and wonderful as Stewart would like to imagine, there are many, many dark chapters in England’s colonial history, Ireland being one of them.

Up until Tony Blair joined in a war on Iraq those that wish to solemnly respect Armistice Day went to their local war memorial to remember the fallen.

Over the last 20 years recalling the horrors of war, the generations of young lives lost has been turned into something of a festival with many clubs outdoing each other to bring pageantry to a sombre issue.

Last week Stewart was on the phone to his favourite newspaper, telling the Daily Record about his disgust at the actions of some Celtic fans. Exactly the content that the Glasgow publisher gorges on.

After today’s gesture the elderly singer might be a bit more selective over which Glasgow pubs he fancies dropping in on for a photo opportunity.

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