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Hugh Keevins and the Sunday Mail go fishing as the world turns to Mesut Ozil and FC Palestina

Underlining just how out of touch both are, Hugh Keevins and the Daily Record have taken aim at the Green Brigade for encouraging Celtic fans to take Palestine flags to the Champions League tie against Atletico Madrid on Wednesday night.

The front corner of Celtic Park was heavy with the flags with other Palestine flags on view in virtually every area of the ground.

Keevins apparently has a three point plan to remove the Green Brigade but anyone trying to read through his column will struggle to take anything from it other than an angry old man completely out of touch.

Fittingly he still picks up a weekly fee from the Daily Record/ Sunday Mail with both publications ‘enjoying’ print circulation that could easily fit inside Celtic Park.

At some stage next year those circulation figures will be starting wit a 4. Digital advertising revenue doesn’t come close to making up the shortfall with more than 500,000 buyers deserting the Record and Sunday Mail since the turn of the century.

While the Sunday Mail’s ‘army’ of elderly readers nod in agreement with their star writer attention is elsewhere.

On Friday Mesut Ozil tweeted a video clip of Celtic fans singing You’ll Never Walk Alone to his 23,000,000 Twitter followers. The Daily Record Sport Twitter account, sharing one hundred stories a day has picked up 69,000 followers.

Over on Facebook FC Palestina has 117,000 followers, sharing an image of the Celtic support from Wednesday night was liked by 226,000 people.

The sort of numbers, reach and influence that the fading Glasgow publisher could only dream of as it sails towards obscurity.

Back in their pomp when the Record was printed all through the night with convoys of lorries heading out across Scotland and into the north of England folk hung on their every word with little alternative.

All of the main train stations in London sold the Record, holidaymakers in Spain loved picking up yesterday’s paper as they kept up with events at home as they enjoyed the sunshine.

For £2.60 in 2023 you can buy the Sunday Mail and read the old school content that has been left in the slipstream of social media.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram shapes opinion while Keevins laughs to the bank with another pay cheque for views that are as out of place as the publisher that shares them.

People of Palestine – you’ll never walk alone 🖤🤲🏼🇵🇸 Respect to the fans of @CelticFC 💚 #JummahMubarak

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